WHY use a Pen Name?
Many authors have used a pen name and for a variety of reasons. The reason to consider using a pen name is to allow the light to shine on what GOD has done rather than having the focus on you. Another reason, the main reason our RJN "Restoration Journey Real Life Novel" authors, like Kelly Todd's "Too Little, Too Late." used a pen name was to allow her to remain completely protected and discreet while allowing her to be completely real and transparent.
We used the term BNN rather than a pen name based on what we discovered in God's Word.
“You’ll get a brand-new name straight from the mouth of God. You’ll be a stunning crown in the palm of God’s hand, a jeweled gold cup held high in the hand of your God. No more will anyone call you Rejected, and your country will no more be called Ruined.
"You’ll be called Hephzibah (My Delight), and your land Beulah (Married), Because God delights in you and your land will be like a wedding celebration. For as a young man marries his virgin bride, so your Builder marries you, And as a bridegroom is happy in his bride, so your Husband is happy with you.”
Remember Sarai, Abram's wife, and Isaac's mother? Sarai simply means “princess” but then at the appointed time God gave her the name Sarah that means “MY princess” and blessed her in Genesis 17:15.
Likewise, Abram, which means father was changed to Abraham when it was revealed he would be the father of the Hebrew nations. Genesis 17:5. God declared his new name: "Abraham" – "a father of many nations."
This means that if your given name is Marah, Mara, Maura, Moira, which is found in the book of Exodus and means "bitter”—the new name He gives you might be Dulcie, which means sweet or Deborah, which means sweet and diligent.
If your given name has an encouraging meaning, your brand new name He will give you could simply be another name that has the same meaning. Simply trust Him to LEAD you, not leaning to your own understanding but acknowledging that He is speaking through you and will lead you along this journey towards becoming an author.
If you sense having a BNN is for you, here's how to DISCOVER Your "Brand New Name" BNN
- STEP 1: For your BNN or "Brand New Name" and new GCI "God-created Identity."
- Having a "God-created DISCREET Identity."
“As a ring of gold in a swine’s snout, so is a beautiful woman who lacks discretion [her lack of character mocks her beauty].”
- Having a "God-created DISCREET Identity."
- Simply ASK Him to lead you to the FIRST NAME He has chosen for you.
Follow as "He Leads Me" leads YOU to one of several: - STEP 2:Â Please SEARCH our Encourager to make sure it's not already being used. https://encouragingwomen.org/tag/BNN/Â add your name in place of BNN of the URL or web address.
- Example https://encouragingwomen.org/tag/Poppy/ shows this BNN "Poppy" is being used.
- STEP 3: Ask Him to lead you to what Surname or LAST name He's chosen for your new GMAIL account:
- To find a Surname we suggest you simply search for a name from your FAVORITE Bible Promise on this Surname website.
- An example might be Paul because His Promise is from his letter written in 1 Timothy 6:6
- But rather than you choosing "Paul" choose from ALL the other languages and cultures:
Paulson(English) Pohl(German) Paulis, Paulissen, Pauwels(Dutch), Boulos(Arabic) Pavlov(Bulgarian) Pavić, Pavičić, Pavlović(Croatian) Paulsen, Poulsen, Pallesen(Danish) Pauwels(Flemish) Pál(Hungarian) Poletti(Italian) Paulauskas(Lithuanian) Pavlovski(Macedonian) Paulsen(Norwegian) Pawlak, Paszek(Polish) Pavlov, Pavlovsky(Russian) Pavlović(Serbian).
- But rather than you choosing "Paul" choose from ALL the other languages and cultures:
Where to Work and Collaborate with other Authors
All of our authors use Gmail and Google Documents for a variety of reasons. First, most find Gmail and the main search engine Google the easiest to set up—using their BNN.
CLICK HERE to set up your BNN@Gmail 1-2-3