Chapter 2
Much More in Return
ââBring the whole tithe into the storehouse,
so that there may be food in My house, and
test Me now in this,â says the Lord of hosts,
âif I will not open for you the windows of heaven, and
pour out for you a blessing until it overflows.ââ
Milestone #1: Testimonies of Tithing
âMuch More in Returnâ
Dear ladies, I have so many reports to write since restoration. I didn´t know where to begin at first, I felt and feel often very busy, my English is not perfect, there are many frail excuses, but I am here and I am really sorry for not submitting my praises earlier.
Now I would like to begin with tithing, with today. God really cares about everything in my life. My EH (earthly husband) is not a believer (yet :)) and doesnât know I am tithing. I am tithing since he was away. This principle was not easy to learn and to like firstly, however I began to understand and like it. Lately my EH is checking our financial situation more, but I want to stay still and wait. I praise God for His blessings, for His promises, for His faithfulness. I still have my translating job which I have regained during separation. I had few unexpected jobs last year in addition as well. Oh, God gave my family much more than I returned Him in tithing. I am blessed to be a stay at home mum and my EH likes it this way as well. Funny thing is, I would never believe I will not run to find the most perfect job when kids are older. When I presented at home my wish to work from home, my EH did not push me to find a job after maternity leave. I was happy God is changing both of us. After I stayed home, I did not get benefits anymore. But God is great! At the same time my EH got an offer for a better position in his job. God is so kind and shows us His plans for us. My EH had many tests, was worrying, but I did know there is His hand. God is taking care about our finances so as about everything else. I wanted to be obedient, not to leave our home as I learned in Wise Woman and He is giving us more than one would ever expected after such a decision. At the moment we don´t know the pay rate yet, but I know He will balance our budget, I trust the Lord and I thank Him.
And about today. Today my EH got another job offer that he can perform beside his first job and he asked me to help him. I feel blessed. (Not just in this area, but I try to stay in this PR (Praise Report) in the theme tithing :)) Thank You, Lord. Thank You that You cares, that You have the greatest intentions and plans for us, thank You that You are revealing them to us if we are hearing and believing and trying.
âBring the whole tithe into the storehouse, so that there may be food in My house, and test Me now in this,â says the Lord of hosts, âif I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you a blessing until it overflows.â (Malachi 3:10)
âFor I know the plans that I have for you,â declares the Lord, âplans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope.â (Jeremiah 29:11)
~ Rebeka in Slovakia
âMy Idols are Crumblingâ
I had asked the Lord to help me in obedience with tithing at the beginning of October, before I started my restoration journey. Money has been a security for the longest time for me. I wrestled with the idea of starting to tithe because I was afraid God would know I didn't have a joyful heart in doing it. I have been a Christian for 20 years and although I have put money in the offering plate before, I have never calculated and given 10 percent. The Lord spoke to me and told me to give out of obedience and that it was okay if my heart wasn't joyful about it yet. (Any time I spend money, I get very anxious). After I gave the full 10 percent to different ministries that I was looking to for guidance, I prayed and I asked God to give me a heart that wanted to give next time. I told God that I knew one of my biggest sins was my insecurity about not having enough money. It has haunted me for a very long time. A few weeks later, I suddenly have become very excited to give to the Lord! This is a stronghold that has been broken for me. Then I just read my lesson on tithing this week and I became so overjoyed that my heart didn't feel stressed about giving 10 percent with all of my bills and that I WANTED to give!!! In fact, I even decided to bless my mom and sister and take them out to dinner that night.
Well of course, Satan loves to steal joy. I had written out a very excited journal/praise report and as I was running late for dinner and about to hit submit, when the entire screen went blank and erased everything I had written. I refused to let Satan win. So I decided to run late for dinner and rewrite it over again. He actually gave me the chance to praise God twice! Then of course, he had to try a little harder. I unexpectedly had to pay a very high price for a prescription that used to be free under my husband's health insurance. (I am now on my own). Usually that would immediately make me very, very upset. As the pharmacist said he was trying to work something out with the insurance company but they refused to pay, I kindly told him not to worry about it and that I would just pay full price. Even though I haven't seen a breakthrough with my marriage restoration, this is almost just as huge. The fear of not having money has weighed heavy on my heart since my dad died six years ago and we weren't sure of our financial situation for a very long time. I have let money be a sense of security for much too long. Praise the Lord for one of my idols crumbling to the ground as He takes His rightful place in my life!
Your time is running short, Satan.
âTest Me now in this,â says the Lord of hosts, âif I will not open for you the windows of heaven, and pour out for you a blessing until it overflows.â (Malachi 3:10)
As we all go through our restoration journeys, we very often find ourselves worrying about money. I worried about money long, long before my marriage was in trouble. I literally had no peace any time I spent money-not for myself, not for bills, not for others, not even for God. I always found excuses why I couldn't afford to put anything in the offering plate. This month was the first time I actually tithed (before I even had a lesson on tithing through the RYM book). I was so worried about money and had no joy in doing it but did it out of obedience. I asked the Lord to give me peace about money and to give me joy about tithing next time. He was absolutely faithful. When some unexpected expenses came up, I felt at absolute peace. I know that my husband has accumulated a lot of debt which would normally drive me off a cliff with stress, but I feel the peace the surpasses all understanding. Give to God. He never withholds ANY good thing from you!
~ Valerie in Illinois
âMeeting My Financial Needsâ
I have submitted praise reports in the past regarding God's financial provision but I was struck again today by how amazing His provision is for me. I was balancing the checkbook today, which rarely matches what the bank says we have due to user error After taking out a big chunk of what I'd just put into the account to set aside for taxes, I compared what I should have in the account according to the check register with what the bank says is there. It was several hundred more than I had recorded and than expected! And this was after last week paying a large credit card bill that I thought we wouldn't be able to cover, but God provided enough to cover it and more!
I honestly don't know where all this money is coming from. I mean, of course I do, God is providing above and beyond the needs of my family. But practically speaking, my husband makes the same amount as before and I'm making about the same AND there are notable added expenses from now paying for two homes, double utilities, etc. Yet since I've started tithing faithfully, I've had no difficulty with paying all the bills (which I do for all our expenses) each month.
It is such a joy to give back to God! And not because I want something in return but because I'm so grateful for what He's given to me. And in return He's meeting all my financial needs, I have no need or worry.
"Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this," says the Lord Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it." (Malachi 3:10 NIV)
Isn't it amazing that He asks that of all He gives us, we give just a small portion back to Him, and then He goes on to give even more! I'm just blown away by His love, generosity, and faithfulness.
~ Rachel in Georgia
âExpecting Baby Despite Oddsâ
I wanted to share this PR for the glory of our Beloved. Truly, He is so worthy to be praised!! My youngest brother and my sister in law are expecting a baby!! My sister in law had cancer and is left with only one ovary and she and my brother also have health related issues. The doctors have said it would be hard for them to conceive. And yet, nothing is impossible with our Lord!! He is in control! No matter what other people say, nothing is too hard for Him!!
My brother has also started tithing early this year. The Lord promises to rebuke the devourer and blessings will overflow in our life. He is faithful!! I thank Him for the opportunity to praise and thank Him together for this gift and His faithfulness. Iâm just so happy and excited for them, knowing of their desire to start a family, & seeing their fears and struggles. Itâs truly amazing and I am so thankful for this miracle our Lord is blessing us with. Wow. Thank You my Lord!! We will sing of Your praise forever!!
âFor nothing will be impossible with God.â (Luke 1:37 ESV)
â"With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible." (Matthew 19:26 NIV)
âJesus looked at them and said, âWith man it is impossible, but not with God. For all things are possible with God.â (Mark 10:27 ESV)
âWeeping may last through the night, but joy comes with the morning.â (Psalm 30:5 NIV)
Nothing is impossible with our Lord. He can and will turn our situation around when we put our trust in Him, no matter what we see, no matter how hopeless or difficult. Let us be strong and take heart, all who hope in the Lord.
~ Joy in Nevada Restored Marriage "It was Me"
âIn a Financial Crunchâ
Oh My Beloved is so FAITHFUL!!!! I know that statement may sound cliche but it is sooo TRUE!!
Of late I have found myself in a bit of a financial crunch. I wasn't overly worried because I have been in this familiar place before ;). I had a small amount of money left in my bank account. It was not enough to pay a bill I needed to pay getting near it's due date!!
As I sat one day wondering what to do, the Lord placed it on my heart to give away what little I had!! I wasn't sure who to give this to and I asked Him to show me a need and He was faithful to do just that! Within a few days He showed me a need in a family who were dealing with unexpected expenses they were facing!!
THEN, a little over a week after giving to this family, my blessing came!! My FAITHFUL HH showed up and provided me with a sum of money that was TEN TIMES the amount I gave away!!! Yes, you heard correctly......TEN TIMES!!
With this amount of money I was able to do so much more than pay my overdue bill!!
Oh, HE IS SO FAITHFUL.....NEVER, EVER DOUBT!! Give and it will be given to you!!!
The Widowâs Offering - "Jesus sat down near the collection box in the Temple and watched as the crowds dropped in their money. Many rich people put in large amounts. Then a poor widow came and dropped in two small coins. Jesus called his disciples to him and said, âI tell you the truth, this poor widow has given more than all the others who are making contributions. For they gave a tiny part of their surplus, but she, poor as she is, has given everything she had to live on.â (Mark 12:41-44 NLT)
"Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.â (Luke 6:38 NIV)
His WORD cannot lie!! He has proven it again and again and again!! OH, I am having the time of my life on this JOURNEY!! What a Blessing!!
~ Dodi
âNo More Intermittent Tithingâ
God Came Through Again! All praises to my wonderful Lord and Savior! He is so worthy to be praised. I have been under attack in my finances ever since I made the commitment to tithe and sow into my storehouse-this ministry. It seems like each month there isn't enough money to even cover basic household expenses like rent, food, clothes, or transportation (my mini-van was repossessed three days before Christmas).
2 Corinthians 5:7 (ESV) âFor we walk by faith, not by sight.â
In the past I would tithe on one check that I received, but not the other. But this month I volunteered to be a part of the Prayer Team and I didn't want our prayers to be hindered. Also, I felt God speaking to my heart concerning my intermittent tithing, so I began tithing on both checks that I earn-regardless of whatever else was pending to be paid. After making a money order for my tithe and offerings to mail in, when I looked at what was left in my checking account I didn't have enough to pay my rent in full after taking care of the overdue utility bill. To top it off, my younger daughters were about to start school again and needed school clothes, shoes, and supplies. I felt completely overwhelmed and had no idea where the money was going to come from or whether we would have to be evicted and go sleep on the floor of my mother's apartment.
Psalm 46:10 (NIV) âBe still and know that I am God.â
Instead of allowing fear to turn me into a raving lunatic, I poured out my heart to my HH and asked Him to work it out for me. At first I worried about us being evicted, but after I poured my heart out to my Lord, I knew He'd work it out one way or another. And boy did He!
2 Thessalonians 3:16 (NKJV) âNow may the Lord of peace Himself give you peace always in every way.â
Over a period of days, He laid it on my mother's heart to buy my younger daughter's a couple of school outfits and shoes and my rent got paid (without the additional extended fees that they should have since I paid it 4 days later than usual; the same price that the office quoted me the week before when it should've been more)! But God didn't stop there. My older son and daughter offered to buy some of the school supplies their sisters needed since they are both working now and between the three of us, we're getting the things on their lists!
My heart lept for joy as I watched in amazement my HH provide for me and my children in ways I hadn't even thought of. It is so wonderful to see my HH come through for us, it just takes my breath away every time He does it. Seeking His loving heart has it's own rewards that cannot be matched, but to see His hand working so effortlessly in my life and my children's lives is beyond amazing.
Rita in Louisiana
âI Foolishly Failed to Titheâ
Trust in the LORD. Test Him by tithing. He WILL provide for you.
When my budget is working and my expenses are predictable, it is easy for me to tithe. Even though I do not have a lot to spare, I can adjust my budget to include the tithe. HOWEVER, it is those months when there is an extra, unexpected expense OR when income will be limited when it becomes very hard to write that check! That is how I slipped away from tithing before my marriage fell apart.
Our church had split in a huge, awful disagreement. We were floating between churches...we had some sudden expenses (broken cars, illnesses) and without a firm decision not to tithe, I unfortunately began to skip sending in tithe checks--not sure WHERE to send it, needing the funds to pay bills, I foolishly failed to tithe. (It was MY bad--my husband left me in charge of the bills.) I didn't tell him I wasn't tithing, not to be deceitful...just that it wasn't an intent to not just sort of happened. We left a big gap in the wall for the devourer to come in and destroy--and he did!
Even before my divorce, I realized that the tithe must be done, and I apologized to my then EH (earthly husband) and began tithing again. When he and his lawyers wrote up the divorce, he added 10% to my maintenance check, telling the lawyers he knew I would tithe. Tithing has been in my budget, and it has not been difficult to do. UNTIL THIS PAST MONTH.
I was made aware that things were tight at my FH's (former husband) company. Owners (FH included) were being shorted overtime and maybe bonus, too. It was implied that I might expect a late check. Simultaneously, some unexpected bills came in. Gulp. Knowing that my next check might not arrive, with all these bills to pay, it was definitely harder to "write the tithe check." (I usually pay online by cc). But, I have seen how my HH has provided for me! So, I simply went immediately to the website, as soon as the maintenance check hit my bank account. (Literally; I get a text from my bank when deposits or withdrawals are made, and I immediately go to the RMIEW website, as soon as the text comes in. I want it to be FIRST FRUITS!) the time for the next payment came, I admit to some concern. Even though my HH has helped me overcome the constant fear I used to live with, the habit of fear and fretting is not completely gone. So, as the thoughts of "what if no money arrives next time?" began, I immediately went to my Bible App on my phone and read Psalms of worship and joy. I tithed on the check, knowing that the next check might not come.
Then, I got a text from my FH. "I don't want you to worry," he said. "I put the maintenance payments on auto-deposit from my checking account." Then he said something that really was an answer to prayer: "The LORD told me that I need to send you this money. Let me know if it ever isn't enough." !! (NOT that I would go to my FH with money needs--I would SG for concerns about not enough money! My HH is where ALL I have comes from--and always has been where everything comes from!)
My HH (Heavenly Husband) provides for me! I need not fear!
(BTW, the next maintenance check arrived as promised.)
"Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, so that there may be food in My house, and test Me now in this," says the LORD of hosts, "if I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you a blessing until it overflows. "Then I will rebuke the devourer for you, so that it will not destroy the fruits of the ground; nor will your vine in the field cast its grapes," says the LORD of hosts.⌠(Malachi 3:10,11)
Our God tells us to TEST HIM in this...tithe and see how He WILL bless you!
âŚThe eyes of all look to You, And You give them their food in due time. You open Your hand And satisfy the desire of every living thing (Psalm 145: 15,16)
Everything is from our HH!
~Â Beverly in Iowa
 âMy husband Came Back but Then I Stopped Tithingâ
The first time I was introduced to RMI the first time my EH (earthly husband) left me I began tithing. I did so faithfully to my local church for a few months but then after he came back I stopped tithing out of fear that he would not want me to. I fell into the trap of trying to please my EH and sadly allowed the devourer to enter in my home. Over the next several years I would give a donation when I would attend church. I didn't tithe because I felt I needed my money.
After my world fell apart again and my EH left me again the Lord led me back to RMI (Restore Ministries International). I was able to learn this principle early on in my RJ (Restoration Journey) which is why I know that all of my needs are being met like never before. I will admit if my marriage was restored when "I" thought I was ready early on, I would not have had such a strong foundation and may have stopped tithing again and lost even more.
Now I can thank my HH for taking care of all of my needs and desires. There is not anything that I am lacking. I also want to add that I make a fairly good income since tithing. I feel as though it is even harder to give when you are giving what feels like a large portion so I struggled for a long time in the beginning with tithing because I felt I could instead choose other places to donate my money too. Erin has helped me realize the importance of tithing to your storehouse and I also realized the importance of tithing all income that includes monthly blessings and any overtime I get.
Due to how much my life has changed, I will continue to tithe on all of my income. I also feel like I need to give the Lord what is His before I even pay any of my bills. He is in charge of it all and by doing it in this order no longer need to worry about how everything will get paid. He has been faithful to me to provide me with everything and He will be faithful to provide in the future as well. I also have a new relationship with money than I did before. I am not as focused on it as I used to be. It used to consume me. Dear Fellow Traveler, I want to encourage you to grab ahold of this very important principle. It is in His word for our protection. He has the ability to take care of all of your needs. Philippians 4:19â "And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus." Remember, it all belongs to Him!!
~Â Ginger Restored
âGiving More Makes My Heart Feel Goodâ
Giving is a principle I always struggled with. I never realized the Lord was trying to get my attention. The item that stood out to me the most in FAL chapter 9 âGiveââ in the Abundant Life series was the verse, Proverbs 11:24â25 (The Message Bible) âThe world of the generous gets larger and larger; the world of the stingy gets smaller and smaller. The one who blesses others is abundantly blessed; those who help others are helped.â
Reading the chapter allowed me to understand my purpose is to continue to give even when it appears I cannot. My tithing pattern has not crossed my mind since I started my RJ (Restoration Journey). When it does come up, it generally is because I want to ensure I am always giving more than I have to... not for the benefit of others knowing. Nobody knows what I tithe, nor would I tell them because they would try to talk me out of it. Giving makes my heart feel good, whether it is financial or not. It is not a feeling of pride but of His ultimate love. Knowing I am doing His work and am on the narrow road. I never again want to withhold what is HIS.
~Â Cindy
âAll the Lordâs Principles Make No Senseâ
I was really blessed with reading FAL chapter 9 âGiveâ is showing me that He is the Lord of abundance. But I believe what the writer said. This message is certainly abused, people take it as means for the pastors to get their money. It is difficult lesson to preach or talk about, but thatâs why I appreciate so much what Michele shared. She does not think about her own reputation, she wants for all of us to receive the best from the Lord.
As I said so many times before, prior coming to RMI (Restore Ministries International) I never hear of tithing or giving, I did not know anything about Lordâs principles. As all of His principles, it is difficult to understand them with logic - they make no sense - like turning the other cheek, walking the extra mile, blessing the enemy. The same goes with giving when we have nothing left in order to get abundant blessing.
When I came to RMI my intention was to follow this principle because it was also connected with receiving my restoration. I did it just because of this very reason. But the more I studied the world of the Lord, the more I was falling in love with Him, I started to do it because I wanted to show Him that I obey His word above all. And He started to shower me with His blessing more and more. Because this is His heartâs desire - to bless all His children but how much more us - HIS brides Â

Do you have a similar testimony, or do you relate to one of the 10 testimonies you read in this chapter?
Comment (below)  so we can add it to this book or another book in our series of Word of Their Testimony Opening Heaven!Â