Chapter 3
Alimony Increasing
ââBring the whole tithe into the storehouse,
so that there may be food in My house, and
test Me now in this,â says the Lord of hosts,
âif I will not open for you the windows of heaven, and
pour out for you a blessing until it overflows.ââ
Milestone #1: Testimonies of Tithing
âAlimony Increasing!!â
My Heavenly Husband is providing for me!
I am blessed beyond measure. My former husband wrote the divorce plan with his lawyer, and he wrote in maintenance (AKA alimony) for me that I can live on. Once I stopped clinging and fighting against divorce and turned everything over to my Heavenly Husband, my former husband started adding things to the maintenance amount. Once he even added 10% saying, "I told the lawyers that I knew you would tithe, so you needed 10% more."
During the early phases, my FH (former husband) seemed to care nothing for me nor for our five children. Now, he has promised to help our son with his living expenses during dental school, and he has given generous spending money to my daughter who is still in college. *(answering prayer to my HH - Heavenly Husband)
FH even called and left a message asking if I wanted him to buy me two season tickets for the college football games we always attended. (That was awkward, and I am still seeking my HH about that--how to respond), but obviously, my HH has done something to calm the anti-family feelings my FH had.
My budget is tight (I am not complaining, just stating a drastic change from my life before.) Just before all this began, an Aldi's store was built very close to me. There had never been one near me. Curious, I went to see it. I was very pleasantly surprised at the drastic difference in prices on many items I use daily. It feels like my HH placed this store by me, just in time! I was able to even buy some specially nice food for a great price, so that I could cook for my adult children when they came for a visit.
I know that everything I had in the past was FROM my HH, as it is now. It isn't that I didn't know that then, nor was I ungrateful in the past. It is simply a more intimate knowledge now. Now I KNOW that EVERYTHING is from my Heavenly Husband...and more than being grateful, I REJOICE in it.
Praise be to Him! My Heavenly Husband who is with me and provides for me. I trust in Him!
O fear the LORD, you His saints; For to those who fear Him there is no want. The young lions do lack and suffer hunger; But they who seek YHWH shall not be in want of any good thing. Come, you children, listen to me; I will teach you the fear of the LORD. (Psalm 34:10)
You do not have to be perfect in your just need to SEEK Him!
~Â Beverly
âNot Preachyâ
As I was reading Chapter 4 âGive it Awayâ I learned that so much that is all so very true! He really wants us to trust Him completely though all the trials. I agree that fear jumps in quite readily during a financial crisis. Before my RJ (Restoration Journey) and all that He has shown me, I would try to hold onto everything for âfearâ that I would have nothing. What I learned is by reading this chapter is that when I have nothing, He can provide so much or than I ever could imagine! Again, this was a lesson for me that His strength is made perfect in my weakness. After all, through this ministry, I now know that He is all I need! He is all I want! He is all I live for. Money and âstuffâ mean nothing.
I also learned that there is truly more joy in giving things away. A lot of this was a refresher course for me but it was just what I needed. He is always right on time! This joy is even greater, when, like Michele explains, I give when it makes sense not to. This is all Him showing me His way. I am blessed by all that I learn here. He is so good.
As a reminder, I also re-learned that when it seems as though I am pushed to the Red Sea, this is a good thing!!! Â It means a blessing is on the way:) if I trust Him to part it for me.
Sometimes I struggle with what to give and to whom. And sometimes I get ahead of my Sweet Beloved and give where I think something should be given instead of waiting on Him to show me His way and His plan.
This reminded me that He has always provided for me. I recalled times years ago as my children were growing up when we would give clothes, toys, sports equipment, etc. away. It seems many time, sometimes on the exact same day that we gave things away, we were blessed with a specific need or want we had requested of Him. We maybe even prayed He would provide. An example of this was when we gave newer clothes and shoes away to a homeless shelter. The next day, my son received a âgiftâ of soccer shoes in his exact size and even the style he wanted (I didn't know about the style but my Beloved sure did :))
The way I can apply these principles in my life is by being a living example of this truth. Again, before my RJ, I would have held onto everything for âlack of knowledge.â Now I know to give when it doesn't seem like I should in the worldâs eyes. This is where trusting Him completely comes in! Now I do!!! With His guidance and my obedience, He will show me what to give and who to give it to. What peace in this knowing He will always provide when I obey Him.
Please pray with me if you struggle in this area:
I confess sweet Lord that before this journey and even now sometimes, I dont give freely and easily like You teach. I don't write enough PRâs to give You glory for all that You do for me! I confess that I want to do better in this area. Please show me Your way. I trust YOU!
Dear sweet Lord, my All!
Please show me what to give! Show me who to give what You want me to give. Everything I have is Yours! All my praises are Yours alone! Help me share You with others by giving as You lead. I want to be the best woman You have designed me to be! I want my life to bring You glory!
Dear Brides,
Let our HH show You His way. Look to Him for what He wants you to give and He will bless You. At first, You may tithe out of obedience and for a blessing. Soon, with His gentle nudge, You will find yourself giving out of pure joy because you know in your heat it makes Him happy when you do His bidding!!
Praise Him!
âWhoever gives to the poor lacks nothing.â Proverbs 28:27a (GWT)
This verse reminds me of when I gave to others as He led and He almost immediately blessed me with more than I could have ever imagined!! Hallelujah and glory to His name!
âI have been young, and now am old; yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken or his children begging bread.â Psalm 37:25 (RSV)
Even before I began my RJ, but now even more so, He provides! As I let Him lead me where He wants me to give, I am blessed and so is my family! This journey has allowed me to share stories with my children and grandchildren regarding the principle of giving, yet not in a âpreachyâ way! I can remind them that âyou can't out-give Godâ!!!!
~Â Paula
âMy Trust was and IS in Him to Provideâ
When I came to a point of my life where I was broken and truly experienced Jesus and my everything, I have learned not to care on money or earthly possessions. All I need is my HH and He will supply all my needs. After being renewed and so spiritually fed in this ministry, I remember the Lord starting to speak to me about tithing. I always knew about it, but not until being fed in this ministry about it, is when my heart was open and started seeing the importance of also being obedient to this truth.
I have always felt free to give not worrying about tomorrow, but I know the Lord wanted to bring me to a new level. Last year is when I starting "doing" what I was always willing to do, but for some reason or another didn't. Giving my WHOLE tithe.
My EH and I own a business, so it started where I was giving 10% of all income to our shop. Trusting that God is the one who provides all our work and will increase our customers, and even with that I was trusting that somehow my EH wouldn't have to work such long extended hours based on His promise "He will supply for us even in our sleep." Well my HH has glorified himself in that area and I wrote a PR about that.
So later on in 2014, the Lord revealed to me that yes He supplies for our business but that I needed to tithe separately on all the income that goes to us personally. So as of now, I tithe on all the income in the business, then whatever income is used for us, personal bills and expenses, I tithe on that also. At first it was hard because it was like i was giving double, but after SG, He confirmed that it needed to be right and He would "open the windows of heaven" for us.
I struggle a bit with the a certain area of my finances. Let me go back. I worked as a school teacher while my EH (earthly husband) attended to the business. For some years, our house lived off of my income only. Before coming to RMI (Restoration Journey), I nagged so much asking my EH where was all the money he was making from the business and at some point was thinking I needed to divorce him because of his lack of financial help among other things.
From the start of my RJ (Restoration Journey) I SG (Seeking God) in many areas and my finances was one of them. Not so much the tithing at the time, but the fact that I was in charge of them. I STOPPED nagging and brought all my cares to the Lord. Again my trust was and is in Him to provide and He did miraculously.
One day, my EH (earthly husband) came to me and said, "I know it has been a long time and I am truly grateful you have not bothered me about it, but I know my responsibility and I will start providing for this house." My heart dropped and I leaped inside for HH (Heavenly Husband) had touched the heart of my EH!
Well since then it has been just like that. My marriage was restored, and my son was born the next year and since then I have not worked but instead have helped my husband in the business.
It was a huge leap of faith, since we depended solely on my income, but my HH knew the desires of my heart to stay home with my son and after much prayer He gave me confirmation and I obeyed not looking at my circumstance. He has been providing and all through our business and my EH. I do not work outside. I have been offered many job opportunities to make extra money and it sounded good, but my faithfulness is to the Lord and He wants me to allow my EH to be the sole provider, which ultimately means I am depending solely on my HH.
So now I have prayed for the Lord to touch my EH to take the role and take care of the finances, collect the money and pay the bills, since I did not want to do anything that is rightfully my EH position, but in all occasions, it is confirmed that I am to handle them.
So here is where I struggle a bit. My EH has no idea what I do with the finances. He will occasionally tell me to pay this or save this. Even when we occasionally go to church, he will give me or tell me what to give. Let me go off for a moment to share about this:
Years earlier, When we attended church, I used to put pressure on my EH to tithe,give because I wanted to be blessed. I wanted the windows of heaven to open so I would take out the checkbook ready to give. Then one day at church, my EH said "Why should I tithe or give if you do it anyway. and since you do it with my approval or not there is no need for me to do it." From that day on I STOPPED giving in front of him or telling him to do so and I SG and repented.
Now, occasionally when we go to church I just sit quietly and the last couple of times he has given his tithes and I just thank my HH for once again touching his heart.
Sorry, so now back to what I struggle with. I tithe on the business and personal income. My EH doesn't know about this. Like I said, he doesn't ask much about the finances, just an occasional question here and there. But, although I have been tithing faithfully, I have fallen behind on bills and some are 3 months behind, but my heart wants to be faithful so I tithe before anything else. I know the Lord is in control and I am SG why this is still occurring, (not having enough for all the bills on time) but regardless, I want to give what is HIS!
So at times, my EH asks why there isn't enough for these bills and I just say, it will be taken care of. Since he doesn't ask if I am tithing I don't tell him. The Lord knows I have given this to Him and to guide me if this question ever comes up and how I would be crushed not to be able to tithe if my EH says no.
So with that said if you feel led to SG with me and share what He reveals to you.
Erin: As you asked, I did want to SG with you since I too am interested to know His truth more fully. What He brought to my mind was the part of your testimony that your EH has turned the finances over to you to pay, and when you asked Him before on the matter of tithing at your EH church, your EH said, "Why should I tithe or give if you do it anyway. And since you do it with my approval or not there is no need for me to do it." Itâs difficult to find a balance in our marriages, and though there are things each of us would prefer our husbands do, very often we still must continue doing them until he takes them on (often during a crisis) as you probably remember from A Wise Woman. As far as tithing on both your business and personal income, Iâve struggled with that before, but as I shared in one of the Ministry Commitments, even though it appears to be tithing double, and the enemy tries to convince us that itâs why there appears not to be enough to pay bills, that even when we are mistaken, He sees our hearts. AND we can never outgive God.
So I hung onto this truth, continued to tithe âdoubleâ ministry and personal income, and am thrilled to find that we are up to being able to give about half of our income away: 10% tithe and another 30-40% offering for the ministry and personally 10% tithe and another 20% offering that I am hoping to raise. This in no way is boasting because itâs ALL Him.
I share about tithing and the importance of it. I pray that I can lead by example and always be faithful to my HH who deserves everything.
Pray with Lota if you struggling in the same way: "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."â1 John 1:9 *
Lord I come to You humbly to ask for Your wisdom with my finances. Knowing that my EH doesn't know about my tithing, and still not having enough for all the bills to pay them on time it is tough. I know Your promise is true, so forgive me if there is something I am doing wrong whether it be in my finances or in my personal life that is hindering You from rebuking the devourer. My trust is in You and my heart's desire is to be obedient no matter what my circumstances show.
My Love,
Help to seek You more on how I handle the finances with the business and the personal income. Show me Your will and bring me Your peace that surpasses all understanding. May I seek you in everything I purchase, pay etc. That i do nothing apart from You.
Dear Brides,
Like every principle shared in this ministry that is based on the word of God, it is truth and we need to obey with no hesitation. See the Lord's faithfulness when we are faithful to Him.
âŚ"I will betroth you to Me forever; Yes, I will betroth you to Me in righteousness and in justice, In lovingkindness and in compassion, And I will betroth you to Me in faithfulness. Then you will know the LORD. "It will come about in that day that I will respond," declares the LORD. "I will respond to the heavens, and they will respond to the earth,⌠Hosea 2:19-21
~Â Lota
âReversed the Charges!!â
"Then I will rebuke the devourer for you, so that it will not destroy the fruits of the ground; nor will your vine in the field cast its grapes," says the LORD of hosts.â Malachi 3:11
Our Lord is the God of the impossible!! He makes a way when there seems to be no way! Nothing is too difficult for Him!! Praise the Lord!!
I have had this checking account for half a year but it remained untouched during that time since my EH set it up for me. A couple of months back, before I started my first 30-day course, I started getting monthly charges on that checking account. The bank said it was the first time I let my balance get below the required maintaining balance.
I got charged monthly for a few months. Though I have since maintained the required balance, I was still not able to meet the other requirement for me not to get charged at all. If I hadnât already met that requirement, I had no idea how I was going to meet itâI needed to have at least 3 qualifying linked accounts.
That time, I still didnât know about tithing and have never tithed before in my life. Since learning about tithing, the Lord has faithfully provided for me to be able to tithe here in my storehouse. I knew the enemy shouldnât be able to steal from me, even bank charges.
This account has been a source of crisis for a while, causing disagreement between my sister and me. I know that she was just looking out for me, trying to help me.
I hadnât felt the Lord leading me to close that account. When I cried out to Him, He reminded me about agreeing with my adversary quickly. I praise Him. It is only by His grace that I was able to be peaceable and gentle whenever this crisis comes up. And so the next time it was brought up again, I agreed to close it. I continued to pray to the Lord for His will to be done.
When we went to the bank, planning to close that account, the bank said to wait before closing it and they reversed two of the charges!! Thank You Lord!! That was not all of it but I was still thankful!!
A week later, the night before we were to go the bank the next day to finally close my account, I had SG and felt led to tell my EH (earthly husband) that I was closing that account he set up. My EH told me to please keep the checking account because I would need it and he would pay for the monthly charges for a year! And that I should close my savings account instead. I submitted to him and didnât argue! My Heavenly Husband continues to provide for me!! Thank You, Lord!!
âAnd my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.â Philippians 4:19
He transferred a yearâs worth to my account to pay for the monthly charges. And even closed the savings account for me online. I thanked him and for some reason, I told him that I would let him know if I still got charged. I am not sure why I said that, when everything points to the obvious. He said he expects me to get charged.
Two days later I was charged another monthly fee!! Yes, but this time it was because I let the maintaining daily balance become zero when I transferred all the money to my savings account, due to planning to close that checking account!!
But the most amazing thing was, the other requirement I have not been able to meet, I was SUDDENLY able to meet!!! It was marked with a âcheckâ, that I meet that requirement!! Which made me think that as long I maintain the required daily balance, I would not be charged monthly fees again!!!!
Wow!! It blew my mind!! I didnât do anything to meet that requirement!!! I even thought that now, I have one less account with that bank, the harder it would be to meet that requirement. There was even money now to pay for it for a year!
"For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways And My thoughts than your thoughts.â Isaiah 55:9
But no!! He says He will rebuke the devourer for me!! He will do more than I could ever imagine!! And the thing that came to mind when I saw that âcheckâ mark was tithing!!! I donât know how that happened. But He will make a way!! And it was worth losing the other bank charges for thisâit is finished!! No more bank charges!! Praise the Lord!! I am in awe of how He orchestrated all this for His glory!!
**Update: I wrote this PR a month ago. I waited to submit it to see if I will still get charged. Oh wow!! Come the end of this month, I was not charged any monthly fee at all!! Praise the Lord!! I'm not sure which incident that happened resulted in this incredible blessing, but one thing I am sure of, it was all His doing!! He arranged it all!! How amazing is our Lord?!! Nothing is too hard for Him!!
Thank you so much Lord!! I am so grateful that He has blessed me with so much since I started tithing, not just in financial aspect but in all areas of my life. And He wants to bless you too. I pray that we will continue to take that step of faith and begin to faithfully tithe where we are being spiritually fed. He says to test Him and He is faithful!!
HIS Promises
"Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, so that there may be food in My house, and test Me now in this," says the LORD of hosts, "if I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you a blessing until it overflows.â Malachi 3:10
âNow to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine..â Ephesians 3:20
"Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh; is anything too difficult for Me?" Jeremiah 32:27 (NASB)
"Trust in the LORD with all your heart And do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6 (NASB)
âYou have turned for me my mourning into dancing; You have loosed my sackcloth and girded me with gladness, That my soul may sing praise to You and not be silent. O LORD my God, I will give thanks to You forever.â Psalm 30:11-12 (NASB)
I am so grateful for all His truths that I continue to learn here and apply in my life. Like in tithing. My eyes were opened to the truth that everything I have was given to me by the Lord, including money I receive. It helped much to change the way I look at things, including my greediness and selfishness, especially when it comes to money. That has become my god. Truly, âYou cannot serve both God and money.â Matthew 6:24 I will be forever grateful for this RJ with Him that forever changed my life, because since it begun, I am now able to confess âI shall never want.â
âDoubts and Fears Held me Backâ
First of all I love the verse "Give, and it will be given to you. They will pour into your lap a good measureâpressed down, shaken together, and running over. For by your standard of measure it will be measured to you in return." âLuke 6:38.
Knowing it will be poured into your lap when we simply give, you do not even have to reach for it. All you need to do is give. This is really a principle that has been proven over and over again and yet again it is one of the hardest for us to do. Even when you look at people who do not claim to be Christians, when they give, they receive even more. This just shows me that the Lord is true to His word does not matter who we are:) Another beautiful verse is: âThere is one who scatters, and yet increases all the more, and there is one who withholds what is justly due, and yet it results only in want. The generous man will be prosperous, and he who waters will himself be wateredâ (Proverbs 11:24â25). He who waters, will himself be watered. Dear Lord, help me to waterâŚ
Being hesitant is part of our human nature. But I can assure you that doing the right thing is not necessarily the easiest thing to do. I have made no secret of how difficult it was for me to let go of my church. Now when I look back it was only because of my own doubts and fears. I do not regret leaving my church or how blessed I am each time I give. I am sure I would not have grown so close to the Lord so quickly if I had not joined RF (Restoration Fellowship).
~ Yvonne
âGodâll Fill Us Up Againâ
Reading chapter 9Â of Finding the Abundant Life, this stuck out the most. "When you seem to have nothing left, you need to give in order to receive. If you fail to give, you will be left wanting." I feel like our HH (Heavenly Husband) is calling us to do this not only with our tithing but also giving of ourselves. Especially in the beginning of my RJ, I have felt many times that I could not even get out of bed or talk to anyone because I was so much in the "pit." I have thought "How can I help someone when I cannot even help myself?" But that is when I have felt led to encourage someone. Even if it was just a quick text or phone call to a friend telling them I hope their day gets better when you know that they are struggling also. When I have given all my "faith" away, God seems to fill it back up again. So if we hold on to what little we have, He never pours more.
He never promised that this journey would be easy but He always provides!! He always give me more than I deserve. I am thankful that He always knows what I need better than I.
~Â Lesia
âAbundant Blessingsâ
Wow, there are no words to express how I feel right now. Ladies give your ALL to Him. He is waiting for you.
Today as I woke and thanked Him for another day, I then went to my email to read today's Encourager, 3/7/14. The verse for the day was, "Not that I speak from want, for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I amâ (Phil. 4:11). I have been saying this over and over for months now.
God is humbling me in so many areas, when something breaks in the home, I smile and say, "I know You have this". When something shows up late or not at all I say, "I know You have this". Ladies it is TRULY freeing giving your finances over to Him. I do not worry about anything, I know that if He wants me to have something He will provide and if not, He has a better plan.
One morning in January I had received an email, asking me "how would you like to receive a gift we have for you?â First I was overwhelmed by the thought of me getting a gift, then I sought the Lord. I wanted to write back and ask if I could have a Visa Card, that would have helped with something I needed to take care of, but I did not. As the gift arrived and I opened it, I was asked, "would you like this to be transferred to your checking account?" You could only imagine how I was feeling, I ran around, jumping up and down praising Him. Only He knew, He knew what I needed. A few weeks later I received a gift and as amazing as it was, what happened next means even more to me. Please bear with me. I will do my best to make it short.
When I was 4, we moved an hour away from the family. As time went on my mom became overwhelmed by the feeling of being alone. She felt her family was so far away and there was nothing to do, at the time, in our town. One day she cried out to the Lord and He answered her. He sent this woman to my mom and after a conversation with her, my mom gave her life to Christ.
Now fast forward 36 years. This woman still lives in this neighborhood, as do we (I bought a house across from my family). She is a widow of over 23 years and cannot get around. So here it was a few days after I received this gift, that we (my mother and I) took her out to do some food shopping. After shopping we went for ice cream and this is what happened that makes that gift even more special to me. As we sat eating our ice cream, she began to talk about books she reads and sermons she listens to on tape. She mentioned this one book she loved so much but it seems to be missing. As we sat there talking I went on my amazon account and found the book. God gave me such a BLESSING that I was able to pass the blessing on :). She was so happy to know that this book was coming to her. There is so much joy in helping others. When we brought her home and helped her with her bags, I looked at my mom and said, "we need to do this monthly." She obeyed the Lord so many years ago and I am so grateful for that.
A few weeks later I needed oil. I called for delivery and when they arrived, my tank said â th. I asked the man for 200 gallons, it's a larger tank than that. When the man knocked at the door he said, âI don't understand it but you did not take the full 200 gallons and your tank is full.â I smiled, handed him the money and shut my door.
I began thanking my Husband, only He could cause that fuel to multiply :). The same day I was asked to go to a party, you know those parties that sell stuff in homes. Well I had written down what I would like but was not sure I was going to order anything. After the fuel was ordered and paid for, I went to put the remaining money in my wallet and ladies it was the exact amount needed for the items I was thinking of buying!! He takes care of us better than any earthly husband ever could. BUT I am not done yet :).
I have been saying to the Lord, thank You so much for changing me, for teaching me the difference from wants and needs. Thank You for giving me the opportunity to bless others these last few weeks. Show me Lord if there is still areas I need to be content in. Then I went off to work. I had also asked Him to show me, not that I deserve to be shown anything, if I am doing His will. A little renewing of my Faith.
Well, here it is hours later and I just received not one but two emails. The first email was a gift to use for the purchase of books and things like that and the other gift was monetary. I am overwhelmed to say the least. He knows everything, He knows exactly when we need things and when to send us His love through others. I love Him so much and I fall more and more in love with Him as the days go by. There is no one or anything that can fulfill like He does.
One other thing, I pray daily that He continues to protect me from the devourer. I give my full tithe to my storehouse, here. I see His protection!
~Â Heather
âHe Made a Way to Titheâ
By reading FAL chapter 9 âGiveâ I learnt to trust my HH (Heavenly Husband) and to ask Him what He wants me to do. And mostly to obey , when He says give , even if it means giving your last cent , when you don't have anything left , that's when He blesses you more then you can ever think or imagine . I confess I rarely take time out to sit and ask of my HH what he wants me to do with my money after I have tithed , now I do .
I was struggling with what to do with my money after I had tithed , thinking that I can now just do what I want because I had done my part. Little did I realize that everything belonged to Him even that which is left over ,and to go to my HH (Heavenly Husband) and ask Him how He wants me to spend what is left .Thank You my HH for opening my eyes to see this . I so love You ⌠and I also want to thank Him for making a way for me to tithe. Living in South Africa, when I wrote to RMIEW Office they to explain the problems I was having, they put me in touch with Yvonne who lives in South Africa too and now I know the devourer will be rebuked and I will be able to get the blessings He has rather than them being stolen.
~ Mercy
âBecome A Cheerful Giverâ
I was really blessed by this chapter I read in FAL chapter 9 âGiveâ. It was something that I really needed to learn and take in. Â Not only do I long for and want to give, but I want to become a cheerful giver. However, I never understood how I could give (especially financially) when I am struggling financially myself. I would hold onto every penny I could and calculate things so I didnât go over my limits I had set. I was afraid I wouldnât have enough money to cover bills or cost of food. This is a huge hurdle that I need to be able to cross. I find myself yearning to help people monetarily, but then I look at my account and my bills and say, âHow can I give to them, when I barely have enough to cover my familyâs needs or my needs?â
But therein lies the problem, I was looking at what I could âseeâand asking myself these questions. I was lacking faith, or at least not applying it. I didnât know how I could âdoâ for others. Well, I canât DO anything without my Beloved! Â I wasnât asking my Beloved, the One who is the Source of it all, the One who owns everything. I was leaving Him out of this area of my life, not allowing Him to take over my finances and be in charge. I wasnât allowing Him to lead me and show me how He wants me to give in order to be a blessing to others. I didnât realize that it is during my lack, that He wants to increase what I have. He wants to show up in my life and bless me, if I will bless others.
Before this chapter, I always thought that I must give whenever I see there is a need. But this is wrong on my part, God will guide and lead me to give as He sees fit. If there is a need, He can use others to fill and bless that need, unless He is using that lack to get that person to cry out to Him. He doesnât want me going around giving, He needs to be present in my giving and open the doors. However, I must stay close to Him to be able to discern if it is Him guiding me to give, or if it is the enemy trying to wear me out or steal from me.
My mind was renewed as I had forgotten that with each and every trial, test, temptation, or crisis, God already has a plan in place that includes a blessing at the end. He does not want us to think up our own plan on how to get out. Instead, He simply waits for us to come to Him, not in a state of panic or pleading, but in utter trust just as a child would go to a father who could (and would) fix anything! Instead of being worried or anxious about finances, any trials, or lack in my life, I need to rejoice in Him knowing that He is about to increase what I have!
Now I know that it only does this work financially, but this principle of giving works in all areas of our lives. We must give in the midst of our lack as this is when God is saying, âI am about to increase what you have! Now, put your faith to work for you. Believe what you donât see, walk in that faith. Donât pull back; donât begin to fear that you will run out. I am your Source, but I need your faith, shown by your works (walking it out) for this spiritual law to manifest itself.â
Now I have learned that by hoarding all that I have, and not giving away what He wants me to, I am behaving unbecomingly and not acting like Godâs child or the Lordâs bride. By behaving like this, I am not drawing others to want to know Him. This is why I must go to Him, repent of this behavior, and ask Him to change me and help me overcome this hurdle in my life. This is an area that I need to totally surrender to Him in order to experience the abundant life He has planned for me.
I thank Him for teaching me more of His principles and His ways through this chapter.
I confess that I have been struggling with giving monetarily when I didnât âfeelâ like I had the money to give, or it didnât look like I had enough to give. However, I have now learned that He will lead, guide, and show me how He wants me to give. He doesnât just want me to go around giving to everyone and every need I come into contact with. When I give, He wants to be present and open the doors HE opens, as an opportunity for me to give.
I have struggled that it is during the lack that we are to give as God will use this to increase what we already have. We must run to Him and seek His face, speaking to Him about all our concerns, then allow Him to show us how to handle things the way He wants us to handle them. He will take care of us and supply us of our needs. He will increase and give to us, if we follow Him and trust Him by giving when He says and how He says. I need not fear that things will run out or I wonât have enough. I need to run to the Source of it all, who will supply my every need and whose supply never runs out.
I will be SG (Seeking God) to show me how to give to others. I will be running to Him and speaking to Him about all my concerns financially. I will lay my financial burden down at His feet and allow Him to carry it. I will surrender that area of my life over to Him. I will trust Him completely that He will supply my every need like He says He will. I will take Him at His word, and trust that His principle and way of doing things work. When I see an area of lack in my life, I will know that is Him saying I am about to increase what You have.
Pray with Me: Lord, forgive me for not surrendering my finances over to You and not trusting that You will supply me of my every need. Forgive me for not giving like I should for fear of running out of money. Forgive me for not going to You and asking for help, and trusting that You would take care of me. Forgive me for behaving unbecomingly and not as Your child by hoarding and holding onto everything that I have, not giving it freely, for fear that I would be left with nothing. Forgive me for counting every cent and tracking it, making sure the bills would be paid. Forgive me for not trusting You, that You would provide since I have professed You are my Husband.
Dear Lord, You are all I want, all I need, and all I live for. You are my Source that will never run dry. Lord, I need You more than ever and I want to have more of You. I want to experience You more, and be a good witness for You. I want to help draw others to You. Lord, change me. Help me to act becomingly and like Your bride. Help me to be a cheerful giver, seeking You, and allowing You to lead me and show me how and what to give. Lord, help me surrender my finances over to You, giving You complete control of them, knowing that you will take care of me and supply my every need. Lord, I need help in this area, I have struggled with it for so long. Help renew my mind that in order to see increase in my life, I must give and the more I give, the more You will bless me. Help me to know that when I have a lack in my life, it is You saying, You are about to increase what I have. Help me to wait on You to provide opportunities and open doors to give how and when You want me to. Help me not to be deceived by the enemy nor be worn out by Him. Help me to stay close to You, holding Your hand, walking by Your side. Lord, You are my everything and I thank You so much for this ministry and all the lessons You are teaching me. Please help me to have more wisdom and understand more deeply the meanings behind what I read.
Please help me recall all the things You have taught me when I need them. Help me to become more like You and change me into the new, beautiful bride You want and created me to  be. I want to be closer and have a more intimate relationship with You. Show me the way, Lord. Help me in my volunteer work with this ministry. Help me to learn the new ways quickly and to have a teachable spirit. Help me to watch what I say, so that I donât offend or hurt anyone. Help me increase my scores and assignment grades. Help me to do things in Your perfect time. Help me to understand more how this ministry works. Help me to learn and do a better job for You. Give me the words to say when ministering to other women. I canât do it without You. I canât do anything without You. I love You and I praise you so much. I am so thankful.
Dear brides, take Him at His word, trust He means what He says and says what He means. His ways work! When we see an area of lack in our lives, this is Him saying to us, I am about to increase what You have. We reap what we sow, so if we want to reap encouragement, we must sow encouragement. If we want to reap financially, we must sow financially, etc etc Surrender all areas of your life to Him and see what He will do once You lay everything down to Him. Go to Him, He is the Source and Owner of everything!
Let each one [give] as he has made up his own mind and purposed in his heart, not reluctantly or sorrowfully or under compulsion, for God loves (He takes pleasure in, prizes above other things, and is unwilling to abandon or to do without) a cheerful (joyous, âprompt to do itâ) giver [whose heart is in his giving]. 2 Corinthians 9:7Â
I long for and yearn to be a cheerful giver as God loves a joyous giver. However, I have allowed fear to stop me from being a giver. I was afraid I would run out or not have enough to cover my own needs. However, when we experience lack in our lives, this is when He is saying to give what you have left and then He will increase it.
"Rejoice in the Lord always [delight, gladden yourselves in Him]; again I say, Rejoice!"Â Philippians 4:4
No matter what we face, any trial or tribulation, we must rejoice in Him!
~Â Katy

Do you have a similar testimony, or do you relate to one of the 10 testimonies you read in this chapter?
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