Yvonne vd Hoff 🇿🇦 🇺🇸

Hi, I am Yvonne vd Hoff in 🇿🇦 South Africa. I am RMI's PM "Property Manager" and primary "Project Manager" for our Licensed Ministry Franchises. 

Our NRPH branches and the lovely ladies that helps out with each branch. Thank you all so much for using your God-given talents to build a publishing house that is pleasing to Him. 

RADD is our team that creates our Cover Designs by working with our author, Erin Thiele, as well as our Aspiring Authors.

They also created all the lovely Logos you see on our various websites, including this RADD logo.

Here is our team. Although both these ladies are very gifted with both logos and book covers, we have Anastasia as our main logo designer and Adina as our main cover designer.


Anastasia Johnson 🇨🇴 🇩🇴


Adina Jacobs 🇿🇦 🇺🇸

Our next team is our eFilms Studio team, but they do much more than just make videos for us. This team is also responsible for the marketing of our books on social media and other platforms.

Their anointing to be able to make beautiful videos as well as their knowledge of social media, makes them invaluable to to our team.

Here they are.

Marta Esther 🇧🇷
Isabella Peterson 🇪🇸🇨🇷
Perla Isaias 🇪🇸🇪🇨🇺🇸
Janine Saaiman 🇿🇦🇺🇸

Our next team is the ladies who do the editorial design and typesetting. They are the amazing women who turn the author's work into an eBook and paperback.

Here's our team.

Adina Jacobs 🇿🇦 🇺🇸
Anastasia Johnson 🇨🇴 🇩🇴
Ariele Daniel 🇧🇷🇺🇸
Lota Joel 🇺🇸 🇪🇸
Adina Jacobs 🇿🇦 🇺🇸
Anastasia Johnson 🇨🇴 🇩🇴
Yvonne vd Hoff 🇿🇦 🇺🇸
Atarah Matthews 🇿🇦 🇺🇸

To prevent our Ministry Team Members from the fatal dangers of burying their talents we established RMIOU. Built into the learning, they teach what they learned and are quickly posted—spreading their seed, providing an outlet—to prevent ending up as the Dead Sea and letting their light shine.

To become one of our 🎓IOU Students, please enroll here:
IOU: 🎓 QuickStart Enrollment Application

See our many Bookstore Kiosks📚 to purchase your favorite books now!!!!

Please visit Licensed Ministry Franchises or RMI's About 📍 page for more information.

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4 thoughts on “About”

  1. Hello yvonne
    Je recherche le livre femme au foyer, dans la femme sage on fait mention du livre
    Peux tu m’aider please merci

    Hello yvonne
    I am looking for the book housewife, in the wise woman there is mention of the book
    Can you help me please thank you

    1. Salut Kateleen.
      Voici tous les livres en français, celui que vous recherchez s’appelle “Travailleurs à la maison”
      Faites-moi savoir si je peux vous aider avec autre chose.

      Hi Kateleen.
      Here are all the books in French, the one you are looking for is called “Workers at Home”
      Let me know if I can help you with anything else.

  2. Re shalom… Merci beaucoup je l’ai acheté mais pas encore lue… Heuhhh j’ai une très grande nouvelle a t’annoncer j’ai mon ordinateur portable je vais pouvoir t’aider pour narrow publishing et aussi commencé la traduction avec Adina je loue le SEIGNEUR car il savait que je voulais tellement cette ordi et de pouvoir aussi écrire mon livre.

    Benis soit le Seigneur … Gloire et louange a lui seul

    Re shalom… Thank you very much I bought it but not read it yet… Uhhh I have very big news to tell you I have my laptop I will be able to help you with narrow publishing and also started the translation with Adina I praise the LORD because he knew that I wanted this computer so much and to also be able to write my book.

    Blessed be the Lord… Glory and praise to him alone

    1. That is amazing news. What an amazing praise.
      I am sure you have already added it to EW Praise Report, if not, be sure to do, so we can all rejoice with you. I am working with Adina so we can smoot out the process of translations. Thank you for being willing to help us out.

      C’est une nouvelle incroyable. Quel éloge incroyable.
      Je suis sûr que vous l’avez déjà ajouté à EW Praise Report, sinon, assurez-vous de le faire, afin que nous puissions tous nous réjouir avec vous. Je travaille avec Adina afin que nous puissions faciliter le processus de traduction. Merci d’avoir accepté de nous aider.

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