~ Erin Thiele, our first and only NRP author, has been writing and had her first book, RYM, published by Mt. Zion in 1998. Two years later, Mt. Zion found they were unable to keep up with the demand for the book, so after being rejected by several of the main Christian Publishing companies, the Lord led her family to begin NRP.
Decades later, in late 2023, Erin began offering her ministries as LMF "Licensed Ministry Franchises" to the ministers who had been working as RMI’s Ministry Team Members so they could work independently, though as One Body with the other LMFs. This allowed Erin to retire from ministering so she could focus on writing and overseeing her 38 Ministry Branches on dozens of Websites or Digital Cloud Properties she built over the course of 33 years.
Learn more about the history of NRP and how Erin got started as an author.
Facing Divorce Again
Published in 7 Languages

There are several books nowhere to be found on NRP or on EB—primarily or possibly exclusively for the benefit of our children.
“HomeSchooling for Him!” Enter by the Narrow Gate
“Trust GOD to Restore Your Parents’ Marriage” to encourage children whose parents are separated or divorced.
A Wise Woman for girls and A Wise Man for boys
Then, there are all the books like Macy’s Barn Cat or Horses Hoped For that could be offered in one combined book.
*The comment I left earlier today is missing so I trust this is a good sign what HLM to say was extremely important. Clearly, after rewriting this, you can see that our children are our future, so it is no wonder these have been overlooked and ignored, with none published or represented on EB or NRP. **This time I am going to copy what I said to make sure it doesn’t disappear.
Thank you so much for letting us know Erin, I am working with Adina and Anastasia on the covers and will have them available shortly.
This is clearly very important and as the publishers we are working to get this done ASAP.