Today we are flying to my country, Sunny South Africa.
Want to know how to help us? Leave a review wherever any of these bookstores allow.
Are your bags packed? Let's travel
to South Africa
to see what bookstores we can find.
If you live in the SA, please complete the form and if you are among the first 3 to complete the form, we will send some books to you for FREE!!! The offer ends 30 November 2023.
Want to know how to help us? Leave a review wherever any of these bookstores allow.
A lot of the bookstores that we are finding along our travels are because of the various partners of Print On Demand in the lovely Cape Town. is one of the largest distributors in South Africa and our books are available here. So amazing!!!
Unfortunately, Exclusive books does not have all our beautiful covers. I am not sure what the reason for this is. I will enquire and see if we can fix this.
Encouraging Bookstore. We are moving over to selling only digital material on this bookstore, but you will also find the links to the bookstores here for later reference.
All our new publishers and venues are also published on this page:
Our Publishers
l would love to receive a book my daughter introduced me and I find it amazing reading Gods word Thank you
Thank you Charlotte, please complete the form and then we can send you a book. We would also love for you to start our courses and complete our Marriage Evaluation Questionnaire. Our courses are free and they are available in English and Afrikaans.
Here is the links for you to start.
Congratulations to Doris, Jacqueline, and Christine who were the first 3 to order.
This is now closed.