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Here’s a very belated praise report!
First, I wanted to praise my Lord for not abandoning me as He continues to use my health alignments to keep me on track, i.e. on the narrow way that leads to life. As noted in today’s devotional, I need to praise Him for His faithfulness, since I’ll soon be singing for joy over His salvation. He has been good and faithful so many times before, and this time again, something glorious will come out of my new sufferings. I know it, but I must be patient – He will deliver me.
I was blessed by the restoration of my marriage over 6 years ago, and I had my double portion with a second child, my restoration baby – who is no longer a baby…. ! – and I was unfaithful not to report his birth as a praise enough.
Today, as I face pain and suffering, I thought praise was in order. I’ve never given glory to the only One who cares about me, to the One and only healer. I was listening to praise music: “You heal because You love”, and I can attest of this truth. He has always brought me and my family back to health. He’s been so faithful and here I am , I must confess I still struggle with fear.
Even though He’s been faithful!
In the last five years I’ve experienced great pain and lumps in my breasts and armpits. Every time I felt higher pain or discovered a new lump, I ran to the doctor, which led to a cycle of medical appointments and breast screening exams in my life. I even had unnecessary surgery last year (all is benign). I’ve been lucky enough to meet different doctors who never made me think that my pain and lumps were anything to worry about, even though some appointments and words scared me… and the pain didn’t stop getting worse for so long. That’s when I was brought back to a new journey and was so thankful to see that Erin was publishing a new book! The timing was so fitting.
I want to share two other praises report.
When I became pregnant with my first child, I was someone who wasn’t afraid of anything… the fear, worry and anxiety came once I became a mother. But when I was seven months pregnant, I had to be hospitalized and put on bed rest after abnormal bleeding. The doctor I consulted was afraid I’d give birth too early and, although I was upset by his recommendation and “diagnosis”, I wasn’t afraid for a moment and my son was born at 40 weeks’ pregnancy and weighed almost 10 punds. Without realizing it, I was applying some of the principles or, at the time, simply believing that God took care of everything without even having to think about it.
Then, 6 1/2 years later, after a miscarriage and other events, I finally became pregnant with my restoration baby who, I was told, had only 2 blood vessels instead of 3 in his umbilical cord, which I was told was a health risk for my baby. I decided not to find out what this meant, but once again, I was subjected to multiple medical appointments and then, 2 weeks after the due date, my baby was still growing strongly in my belly and wouldn’t come out. I refused to be induced and prayed fervently for labor to begin naturally (forget about shoveling, walking, eating spicy etc, it doesn’t work if the timing is not His ;). On that date, it had to happen….and it did, without medical assistance or medication. My baby was 100 % healthy and weighed more than the ultrasound had predicted.
Do not fret. (Psalm 37:1)
While my health (i.e. my faith, my life – since God is using my health) is still in the midst of being fully restored, my Beloved talked to me through my son’s devotional book (oh yeah!;). This was a very powerful message which I’ve copied in my notes. It speaks for itself and His words and version of the Bible that were intended for children are very humbling:
« I Live to Help You
So be humble under God’s powerful hand. Then he will lift you up when the right time comes. Give all your worries to him, because he cares for you. 1 Peter 5:6-7 ICB
When a problem goes on and on and on, it can actually become an idol in your life. This happens when you start thinking about the problem more than Me.
If you have a trouble that just won’t go away, it’s more important than ever to guard and protect your mind, being careful what you think about. If you don’t, that problem can take up more and more of your thoughts – until it takes over and fills your mind with dark, ugly shadows! When you realize this has happened, tell Me. Pour out your feelings to Me as you try to get rid of those thoughts. Admit that you can’t do this by yourself – that you need My help. Humble yourself under My powerful had.
When a problem takes over your thoughts, it makes you worry. So please, give all your worries to Me, trusting that I care for you. You may have to do this over and over again – even thousands of times a day – but don’t give up! Each time you give Me your worries, you’re taking your thoughts off your problems and thinking about Me instead. And you’ll think about Me even more as you thank me for loving you so much. Remember that I not only died to save you from your sins, but I live to help those who come to Me.
The Father raises the dead and gives them life. In the same way, the Son gives life to those he wants to.
1 John 5:21 ICB
So he is always able to save those who come to God through him. He can do this, because he always lives, ready to help those who come before God
Hebrews 7:25 ICB ».
Remember there is a reason for each and every trial. Stay strong and courageous. Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus.
What a beautiful praise, I would love for you to encourage all our readers with this amazing praise. Can you please post it here?
Hello Yvonne ,
i just to finish to update my profile with Adina and also to configure my laptop ,.
i’ m sorry for taking so much too much time . its been a long time that NARROW ROAD don’t publish anything. i’m actually your vision board.
i’m working our Heavenly and beloved husband to start writing my restauration. I’m separated but living in the same house with my EH.
So Yvonne few month ago i ask you how can i help you i’m available .
God bless you
Hi my dear, His timing is perfect. I would love for you to help with some things.
Adding Reviews to our books is very important, writing your RJN.
Sharing our books. He has laid on my heart to start a daily blog with just pieces from our books and sharing that will be great, thank you so much for being open to help here.
Even more would be start your own website, sell our books (we only ask that you give 10% tithe and 10% offering from the income you make)
It will be great if you can be the trailblazer for this.
Please talk to Him and let me know what He is laying on your heart.
Here’s a very belated praise report!
First, I wanted to praise my Lord for not abandoning me as He continues to use my health alignments to keep me on track, i.e. on the narrow way that leads to life. As noted in today’s devotional, I need to praise Him for His faithfulness, since I’ll soon be singing for joy over His salvation. He has been good and faithful so many times before, and this time again, something glorious will come out of my new sufferings. I know it, but I must be patient – He will deliver me.
I was blessed by the restoration of my marriage over 6 years ago, and I had my double portion with a second child, my restoration baby – who is no longer a baby…. ! – and I was unfaithful not to report his birth as a praise enough.
Today, as I face pain and suffering, I thought praise was in order. I’ve never given glory to the only One who cares about me, to the One and only healer. I was listening to praise music: “You heal because You love”, and I can attest of this truth. He has always brought me and my family back to health. He’s been so faithful and here I am , I must confess I still struggle with fear.
Even though He’s been faithful!
In the last five years I’ve experienced great pain and lumps in my breasts and armpits. Every time I felt higher pain or discovered a new lump, I ran to the doctor, which led to a cycle of medical appointments and breast screening exams in my life. I even had unnecessary surgery last year (all is benign). I’ve been lucky enough to meet different doctors who never made me think that my pain and lumps were anything to worry about, even though some appointments and words scared me… and the pain didn’t stop getting worse for so long. That’s when I was brought back to a new journey and was so thankful to see that Erin was publishing a new book! The timing was so fitting.
I want to share two other praises report.
When I became pregnant with my first child, I was someone who wasn’t afraid of anything… the fear, worry and anxiety came once I became a mother. But when I was seven months pregnant, I had to be hospitalized and put on bed rest after abnormal bleeding. The doctor I consulted was afraid I’d give birth too early and, although I was upset by his recommendation and “diagnosis”, I wasn’t afraid for a moment and my son was born at 40 weeks’ pregnancy and weighed almost 10 punds. Without realizing it, I was applying some of the principles or, at the time, simply believing that God took care of everything without even having to think about it.
Then, 6 1/2 years later, after a miscarriage and other events, I finally became pregnant with my restoration baby who, I was told, had only 2 blood vessels instead of 3 in his umbilical cord, which I was told was a health risk for my baby. I decided not to find out what this meant, but once again, I was subjected to multiple medical appointments and then, 2 weeks after the due date, my baby was still growing strongly in my belly and wouldn’t come out. I refused to be induced and prayed fervently for labor to begin naturally (forget about shoveling, walking, eating spicy etc, it doesn’t work if the timing is not His ;). On that date, it had to happen….and it did, without medical assistance or medication. My baby was 100 % healthy and weighed more than the ultrasound had predicted.
Do not fret. (Psalm 37:1)
While my health (i.e. my faith, my life – since God is using my health) is still in the midst of being fully restored, my Beloved talked to me through my son’s devotional book (oh yeah!;). This was a very powerful message which I’ve copied in my notes. It speaks for itself and His words and version of the Bible that were intended for children are very humbling:
« I Live to Help You
So be humble under God’s powerful hand. Then he will lift you up when the right time comes. Give all your worries to him, because he cares for you. 1 Peter 5:6-7 ICB
When a problem goes on and on and on, it can actually become an idol in your life. This happens when you start thinking about the problem more than Me.
If you have a trouble that just won’t go away, it’s more important than ever to guard and protect your mind, being careful what you think about. If you don’t, that problem can take up more and more of your thoughts – until it takes over and fills your mind with dark, ugly shadows! When you realize this has happened, tell Me. Pour out your feelings to Me as you try to get rid of those thoughts. Admit that you can’t do this by yourself – that you need My help. Humble yourself under My powerful had.
When a problem takes over your thoughts, it makes you worry. So please, give all your worries to Me, trusting that I care for you. You may have to do this over and over again – even thousands of times a day – but don’t give up! Each time you give Me your worries, you’re taking your thoughts off your problems and thinking about Me instead. And you’ll think about Me even more as you thank me for loving you so much. Remember that I not only died to save you from your sins, but I live to help those who come to Me.
The Father raises the dead and gives them life. In the same way, the Son gives life to those he wants to.
1 John 5:21 ICB
So he is always able to save those who come to God through him. He can do this, because he always lives, ready to help those who come before God
Hebrews 7:25 ICB ».
Remember there is a reason for each and every trial. Stay strong and courageous. Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus.
What a beautiful praise, I would love for you to encourage all our readers with this amazing praise. Can you please post it here?
Hello Yvonne ,
i just to finish to update my profile with Adina and also to configure my laptop ,.
i’ m sorry for taking so much too much time . its been a long time that NARROW ROAD don’t publish anything. i’m actually your vision board.
i’m working our Heavenly and beloved husband to start writing my restauration. I’m separated but living in the same house with my EH.
So Yvonne few month ago i ask you how can i help you i’m available .
God bless you
Hi my dear, His timing is perfect. I would love for you to help with some things.
Adding Reviews to our books is very important, writing your RJN.
Sharing our books. He has laid on my heart to start a daily blog with just pieces from our books and sharing that will be great, thank you so much for being open to help here.
Even more would be start your own website, sell our books (we only ask that you give 10% tithe and 10% offering from the income you make)
It will be great if you can be the trailblazer for this.
Please talk to Him and let me know what He is laying on your heart.