Restore your Marriage and Wise Woman Books Sent to Spain 🇪🇸


Thank you very much!

These books are to be given as gifts, because my family has begun to fall apart, my brother separated, my sister did the same, and right now another sister is having many problems in her marriage and the remaining 2 are for some friends who are going through the same as me in their marriages and I want them to read them and begin to have a better intimacy with Jesus, just as I am living it and stop clinging to their husbands and become His Brides, and I want them to also integrate RMI. Only I want them to do it for themselves and I want them to see when they read the books that they can also have what I have now, not yet my marriage restoration since that is an addition, if not my tranquility, my peace and that only comes from a better intimacy with Jesus.