RJN + Aspiring Authors

Yesterday on the Encouraging Woman blog, I got inspired by a new RJ Novelist, Anastasia https://encouragingwomen.org/rjn-washed-seven-times/ and saw Erin leave encouragement and more I can learn like I've enjoyed learning on https://narrowroadpublishinghouse.com/aas/

I've only completed four chapters when I got entangled with what probably doesn't matter (I realised the BNN surname I chose is also Adina's "Jacobs" by my HH said to take off the S to become Leah Jacob, but it meant changing email address and profile when I was already trying to figure out what my next chapter should be.

I read somewhere on RMI that the best way to get encouraged is to give encouragement or "give it away." So here I am, posting praise and giving away encouragement. I hope to be back with a new chapter soon.

Another praise is that I officially enrolled in IOU https://rmiou.com/htgs/ I really enjoyed watching Yvonne's welcome video because I love her voice and accent, and her face is really beautiful. It genuinely glows. I did the first Ministry Commitment and was excited to add MTA after my profile since I'm officially an Apprentice! I was really happy to read when it said, "All the courses from 💔 HopeAtLast.com or 💗 LoveAtLast.ORG or 🪴 HomeGrownMinistries.com you have done before enrolling will count toward your credits," because I've been here for years so I might even be an MTI Intern.

1 thought on “RJN + Aspiring Authors”

  1. Thank you so much, I loved reading Anastasia’s first chapter and I also love reading the chapters of your novel, waiting for a new one and hopefully, I will have a new ready soon too. I am hoping to have IOU easier to follow while I am working with Erin on it to clarify some things. Sometimes we change so fast that it is hard even for me to keep up, but every change that we make makes it easier for the ladies coming in so I love getting feedback, so we can keep improving.

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