wLL 90 “Trust Training”

“Wait for the Lord, put your hope in Him. Travel steadily along His path.” Psalm 37:34. P3734

wLL 90 “Trust Training”

"Right after entering the keyed gate, I saw a baby bird attempting to get out of the pool and off of the gutter shelf. Either it was too young to fly those few inches, or its wings were too wet, but what would shock most Americans who worship the creation rather than the Creator, I waited. I assumed He would have me rescue the bird right away, whose mother was making more than a bit of noise, but I am not foolish enough to know how to do it that would be successful. "Apart from Me you can do nothing.""

Want to find out what happened in the wait? Go to our NEW powerful Living Lesson that is a MUST read for everyone!!!

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wLL 90 “Trust Training”

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