“For the mouth speaks out of that which fills the heart” M12:34
It’s very easy to slip into this mindset and mental stronghold, especially when it’s you who pays the bills or begins to take over the finances after a divorce. It can hit when you read your divorce papers, what it says you are going to get in the settlement, like the first time I foolishly read through my divorce papers. Or like me this time, when you total up your family’s debt, where you’d been hoping to consolidate the debt you believed was there in order to qualify for a lower percentage loan, but find the amount of debt your ex-husband has left you is hundreds of times larger.
Make no mistake, this sort of thinking and how we speak is a clear and deliberate trap from the enemy—primarily because it is contrary to what Scripture says, and who our Father is, who our Husband is. No, I am not trying to be “spiritually weird” here and encourage us to all go out and buy whatever we want because our spiritual “Sugar Daddy” will pay for it! But let’s each be very careful that we don’t fall into thinking like the world, speaking like the world and therefore worrying like the world does—wondering about how we will make it financially—when the Bible promises that God will take care of all not just some of our needs, but based on His riches!
~ Taken from Chapter 1 of Poverty Mentality
This is so true and when I read this chapter for the first time, it was like throwing a bucket of cold water over my face and it woke me more mindful of what I speak and not to contradict His promises.

Thank you for sharing precious Yvonne, it is really a deliberate trap from the enemy to contradict our Sole Provider’s promises and that is why we must keep on filling our hearts with His promises.
Years ago I wanted to go into debt review (where you pay a company to pay your debts with your money) and just as I was to sign the papers I heard the Lord said I must not do it. That time I was involved at a local church and that night at church while we were singing (and me off course begging the Lord to please give me an answer what I must do with my debt), I heard the Lord say to me I must put all my focus on Him and that He is going to give the pastor prophetic word to give to me second last (I think the second last was to show me it was from Him, because I was so stubborn).
Well the pastor said he is going to give two more women prophetic word and guess what I wasn’t one of them, so I thought it was my own voice. The next moment the pastor looked at me and said mummy (he always called me mummy because I took my small son at that time along) the Lord is asking if you can start trusting Him. I was in such a shock and said yes yes, then he replied no the Lord is asking can you truly really trust Him and make Him your Sole Provider and again my answer was yes. After that he gave word to one more lady, so I was second last precisely how my Darling had said it to me.
In the week when I went to pick up my son from his dad I saw a small peace of paper by my feet with the words SOLE PROVIDER, I think that was just a quick reminder from my Darling that I must remember He is my Sole Provider.