Wise Woman in Waiting – Chaste and Respectful “Living Chaste”

“The things that are impossible with people are possible with God." L1827

We have a new chapter!! We are publishing it a little different than the previous one and would love to hear your feedback. Please remember to take part in the Telegram Poll.  😍

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This chapter is broken up into smaller reads of 2-4 minutes each.

Chapter 7 Chaste and Respectful "Living Chaste"

from: Wise Woman in Waiting

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1 thought on “Wise Woman in Waiting – Chaste and Respectful “Living Chaste””

  1. Hi yvonne merci d’avoir posté la femme sage en attente… En faite j’ai condu la femme sage et celle qui est en attente… Comme. Je suis dans la salle d’attente de Dieu… Il m ‘a conduit a lire la femme sage en attente… Je dis gloire a Dieu de pouvoir lire encore encore…

    Hi yvonne thank you for posting the wise woman waiting… In fact I led the wise woman and the one who is waiting… Like. I am in God’s waiting room… He led me to read the wise woman waiting… I say glory to God to be able to read again and again…

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