Wise Woman in Waiting – Children Your Reward

“Behold, children are a gift from the Lord; the fruit of your womb is your reward.” P1273

Our new chapter of Wise Woman in Waiting is HERE 😍

Chapter 12 Children, Your Reward

from: Wise Woman in Waiting

My son at a very young age expressed his desire to have children but my daughter never wanted children. I guess the hurt as a result of our divorce was the cause of this decision. I was elated when she announced a few months ago that she does not want a "career" like most women do. She wants to do something that can turn into a hobby once she is married so her husband can look after her while she raises their children.

I am very excited for her to come back after visiting her dad so I can share this amazing chapter with her and let her add something in the comment section.

Be Part of the Discussion

Please read this chapter, talk to Him, and let us know in the comment section underneath the chapter what you have learned and what can encourage someone to come after you. 

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