Chapter 11

Stop Fretting and Trust in HIM, Alone!

“‘Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse,
so that there may be food in My house, and
test Me now in this,’ says the Lord of hosts,
‘if I will not open for you the windows of heaven, and
pour out for you a blessing until it overflows.’”

Milestone #1: Testimonies of Tithing

Stop Fretting and Trust in HIM, Alone!

Praise HIM, as He grants me Persistence through an odd time!

I have been blessed by the books and lessons of RMIEW. I am blessed by walking with my Heavenly Husband, and He has taught me much along the way. I have been divorced for 4.5 years, and I am content in my life. He provides for me and gives me JOY and Peace. I have friends, activities, see my children and grandchildren, have challenging volunteer work, and then sometimes I have the rug pulled out from under me!

I WAS the queen of fretting about everything. In fact, I believed that the more you worried, the better person you were. (I did not know I believed that! He taught me and instantly showed me how foolish that was.) So my mode of action was to observe my world and attack the problems laid out before me. I felt responsible, and I fought hard in my own strength to accomplish as much as possible.

I was pretty busy–I had five kids, all very smart but with unique learning difficulties, and I homeschooled and had a husband who worked very long hours, traveled for work and who left me to my fretting and work even when he was home (probably to escape the stress of my fretting!)

Now, though, I know the PEACE of my Heavenly Husband. There are just as many troubles out in the world around me as there used to be, but now I know that not all of them are assigned to me, and even when they are, I do not need to solve them in my own strength! He will provide, as needed.

So, three weeks ago–while I had repair construction going on at my house, while my car was in need of repair, my taxes were not yet filed, and I had agreed to help at the local clinic–I received a call from my oldest daughter. I could hear the fear in her voice, as she told me her 20-month-old was in the ER with RSV. She wanted my help. She lives six and a half hours away in the middle of a tiny town–an hour from the hospital where she was alone, as her soldier husband is deployed out of the country. I listened, as I prayed, “Show me your path, Dearest Love.” I love my daughter and granddaughter very much, but I knew He was with them.

I reminded my daughter that He was with them, and I explained that I had to ask Him how to accomplish helping her, but that He would provide a way. As I prayed with her on the phone, I noticed that the handyman who was working noticed. I had been tearing out wallpaper before him, as he worked behind me on a project. I had been blessed to find this skilled, solid, Christian man with a strong family–an answer to his prayer for work to provide for his family. He was trustworthy, and he pointed out that if I finished one more wall, he would be good to proceed, and I could get packed. He was willing to work on without me (for the same bid price!), as it was obvious I needed to go.

I called a friend, while I worked, to care for the cats. She is never home, but she picked up her phone immediately! 🙂 I texted another friend to pick up my clinic volunteer work–no problem!

Oh…my car!? How could I drive that far, when it needed to be looked at?! What to do, LORD? I said another prayer, and as I did, I was asked, “What else do you need to help you get out of here?” I told him about my car, and he pointed out that the worker helping him that day had worked at a car shop in the past. (!) He had him check my concern on my car. No problem! A wire had been loose. Fixed-no charge.

I have a shoulder problem and driving the full trip all the way through is often too painful. I called my son to ask if I could stop at his house if needed. 4 hours into the trip I called him to tell him I was fine and continuing on. I was able to get to my daughter that night; we were able to take her daughter home. She was very sick, but we are both nurses, so they let us take her home.

He provides!!

Philippians 2:13 AMP “For it is [not your strength, but it is] God who is effectively at work in you, both to will and to work [that is, strengthening, energizing, and creating in you the longing and the ability to fulfill your purpose] for His good pleasure.”

It is ALL HIM, dear brides! Stop fretting and trust in HIM, alone!

~ Beverly in the United States

I Bought the Books Trusting

I wanted to reach out to let you know that the LORD HH “Heavenly Husband” is so faithful and awesome. I was not excited about my birthday yesterday, but my HH made sure my day was perfect. He is our provider, Redeemer, our Wisdom through the Holy Spirit, and He (and only He) is the One who sets up free to the truth. I feel incredibly blessed, as I have asked the LORD to align my will to HIS perfect will, restore my heart and give me joy.

I’m not saying that I’m perfect every moment, as the enemy certainly doesn’t stop with the thoughts, but I’m learning to hold every thought captive. Also, I stopped my tithe to my church and now give to my storehouse, RF “Restoration Fellowship” and feel good about my decision. I also emailed (as I had to close the loop) to my previous “Christian Counselor” to thank her for her time, and let her know “I was trusting in the Lord and didn’t need to see her anymore!”

I also have been talking to all my friends about being careful how they speak to their husbands. I have bought a group of 5 RYM books “How God Can and Will Restore Your Marriage” and give them out, and then just bought 5 more. I discussed with my prayer partner, (who is also reading RYM which I provided – and it has changed her life), about starting a bible study with a few ladies to discuss the book. She loved the idea, and I bought the books trusting the Lord will provide us with the time and ladies! That’s all for now. Stay tuned!! All praise and glory be to our LORD JESUS CHRIST.

1 Corinthians 13:4-8 New International Version (NIV) Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away.

Matthew 18:20 (NIV) For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”

Psalm 1 Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night. That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither— whatever they do prospers.

~ Mary in the United States

Won 3 Weeks in the UK!

Wow this praise report is so looong overdue so let me jump right into.

I have 3 beautiful daughters and a son with my FH, they are all grown up now and I also have 2 grandsons aged 6 and 8.

The sad situation is that they have all left South Africa and my son lives in London and has done so for the past 10 years. My daughter Tanya lives in Edinburgh Scotland as has done so for the past 2 years. A year ago my baby girl also left and is also staying in London with her husband. Which leaves my eldest daughter about a hours travel by plane away from me. My eldest daughter and myself had spoken on numerous occasions of how wonderful it would be to visit our family and a couple of months ago she entered a competition to try win flights for 2 people to the UK

During the course of the wait to announce the winner I had prayed fervently for her to win because I knew it was really her heart's desire to see her siblings. Shortly before the announcement, she told me that her husband could not go and that she would take me if she won. Well, the announcement was made and she won the competition. Boy did I know that God had a hand in it. I knew it with every sense of my being. We went to the UK for 3 weeks had a 2-night stay in a gorgeous hotel courtesy of the competition a spa treatment and skincare products. I spent the most amazing time with my grandchildren, son, daughter in law, daughter and son in law in London. Then the 3 of us myself and my two daughters took a trip to Scotland to visit my middle daughter. Edinburgh was such a fascinating place I had never seen anything so beautiful.

The trip was absolutely wonderful. And while I was there I received the answer to another prayer that I had been praying for the last couple of years and that was for my middle daughter to get married as they had been together for 10 years. They announced that they were getting married early in the year. On the 7th January this year that prayer was answered, sadly I could not attend the wedding as we had by then already returned home.

God has his timing and persevering in prayer will bring forth the desires of your heart. Sometimes God grants desires that you may have forgotten, but He truly is faithful. Words cannot describe the gratitude and love I feel for You Lord for allowing me his most amazing visit with my precious children. I love You, Lord.

When my daughters were younger the middle one and the youngest would always talk about how nice it would be if they could become pregnant at the same time. (My eldest daughter and her husband do not want any children). So now we wait because both couples are trying to start a family. At least it would mean only one trip for me when that happens 🙂 Thank you Lord for answered prayer and I praise You as I await the miracle of life and the experience of motherhood for my two beautiful daughters.

~ Mercy in South Africa

Givers and Not just Takers

So excited! I need to give my HH “Heavenly Husband” praise even in the little things and I am so excited about how He led me to begin sowing hope yesterday.

Let me backtrack to when I started doing Course 1. I had first read the RYM book and looking for more hope I came to the site and completed the MEQ "Marriage Encouragement Questionnaire". As I worked through the courses I came to the Sowing and Reaping Lesson which spoke about sowing hope. I will never forget reading that we reap what we sow. If I wanted a restored marriage I needed to sow into hurting marriages. Basically, in whatever you have a need you can sow so that you can reap. Sow forgiveness, finances, kindness and you will reap the harvest of what you sow.

I had such a good laugh about it speaking to Yvonne about how one day walking home from work I gave the Hope cards to women walking on the street after I had read this lesson 🙂 I recently saw the ministry note that we should not randomly give out these cards but that we should give it to women who are hurting as He leads and pin it on Notice boards in shopping centers, malls, libraries etc.

I created a Gmail account with my BNN “Brand New Name” yesterday and for the first time in years I spent a bit of time reading through prayer requests on the web from women for their hurting marriages and responded with prayer and link. I managed to send off one email and left messages for women telling them I found hope for my marriage at I am excited because for the one email I sent I received a response back saying thank you for reaching out to her that she would definitely look at the site and that she needed all the encouragement she could get! I actually came across many prayers requests from this same woman on a couple of other prayer sites. I am thankful that my HH showed me how desperately this woman needed hope.

My HH also very recently brought two women into my family’s life that I know was to sow hope into their lives. They both visited at my home. The first lady He led me to share as she had spoken a lot regarding her EH “earthly husband” and the issues she was facing within their marriage. I told her about the Wise Women video course as she has a small 2 month old baby. I thought she could watch the video’s while feeding him etc. I had my laptop out so I opened to show her and immediately she sat down and started watching the first video! I held her baby while she watched, I was so amazed! Also telling her about the “How God Can and Will Restore Your Marriage” book she reminded me before she left that I would borrow her a copy… so I promptly put it inside her baby bag with a piece of paper where I had written down the links to the Encourager and HopeAtLast site.

The second woman he brought into my home and due to what I shared with her from what I learned regarding “Finding the Abundant Life” I shared the LoveAtLast site and told her about how I learned that our HH is our children’s Best Protection as she had told me about how one day her 2 daughters were not fetched from school and had actually decided to walk home on their own! And how worried she was for an entire gut-wrenching hour not knowing where the girls were. I could share with her how reading the chapter had taken away my fear of my children’s safety because now I could rely on my children’s Heavenly Father to take care of them wherever they are especially when I was not around.

Visiting them last night we walked in and she was crying. It turned out she is very overwhelmed with having to leave her baby with a Daymother or a friend as she has to go back to work. Praise Him I was able to encourage her to SG “seek God” and speak to Him about where the best place He had in mind for her baby and that He would take care of her baby. PTL! She was encouraged and said she would seeming much happier:) Not having internet access I lent her my copy of “Finding the Abundant Life” which she has already started reading! Praise Him! And promised I would share the Encourager with her daily by copying and pasting it on WhatsApp for her to read as she did not have the finances to access the sites from her phone either.

So the reason I am writing this PR “Praise Report” today is to encourage every one of you precious ladies that have found hope to Sow Hope. There are so many ways to sow hope but today I want to invite you to join me in our Evangelist Team in praying and sowing hope by searching for prayer requests on the web. It takes up very little of your time and you don’t need to even leave your home and it would take as little as or as much time as you would want it to and you could be a part of the team for as long or little time as He wants you to be.

Romans 10:15 AMP And how will they preach unless they are commissioned and sent [for that purpose]? Just as it is written and forever remains written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news of good things!”

Personally, I feel it is an honor for me to share the hope that I received because I truly do not know where I would be today if it was not for my Lord and Saviour who has become the Hope and Love of my life. My reason for the Abundant Life I live and why I look forward to a wonderful future due to Him being by my side. I cannot live this life that I live so full of blessings that I cannot share it.

I was reminded this morning that we need to be “Givers and not just Takers” when I thought about a woman that became a dear friend who I encouraged many years ago and over these years shared so much of the resources and encouragement that I received with her which led to my marriage being restored. I thought how sad that so many years have gone by but absolutely nothing much has happened to improve her situation. He reminded me that there was a time that she had asked me about tithing but never followed through, she took so much but never gave any of it away.

One of the most fertile place to Sow Hope is into the lives of women that are hurting and I believe that if we ask Him to lead and guide us He will show us and help us to sow into that fertile soil of women that are living with hurts that only He can heal.

~ Atarah in South Africa

Completely Free from Stress

This testimony is long overdue. The month of February was very special for me. In fact, the Lord made me understand since October 2018 that I will experience a miracle in February 2019. I, therefore, rejoiced in advance of what the Lord would do for me. I was blessed on many levels and beyond my expectations. Yes indeed, His thoughts are above mine.

On the financial side: since August 2018, I had not been able to get my tithe to RMI. I just could not use my credit card. I went many times to the bank. Several times they told me that everything was settled, but I was still facing the same problem. This has been a great source of frustration and also anger, I confess. At one point, I stopped complaining about it. The enemy had a very good time with me. I knew that God knew my heart, but the enemy filled me with lies that really troubled me. He wanted me to believe that my financial situation would worsen because I was not tithing.

However, the Lord has proved him wrong. God looks at the heart, saw what I wanted so much to do. During the month of February 2019, I received salary arrears. I lived for more than two years in an empty apartment. Thanks to this money, I was able to buy furniture (I am sitting at the moment on one of my armchairs)!

Let me tell you the most wonderful: one evening, I thought I had to try again to use my card and tithe online. And guess what? My card was accepted, I can tithe again!! I still do not know what was wrong, but it doesn't matter anymore. He saw my heart, He blessed me because of it, now I rejoice.

Professionally: The Lord has used me at my workplace to manifest His greatness, His light, and His grace. I had the responsibility from the beginning of this school year to supervise the students of the German club. I did not want this responsibility, I could say it but no one wanted to listen to me. What annoyed me the most is that the activities of this club are held on Wednesdays (the day I committed to volunteering for RMI) and also that my colleagues have suggested that I, unlike them, I had the time to manage extracurricular activities.

So I started to coordinate the activities of the students on Wednesday afternoons, in obedience to the Lord who asks me to obey the authorities. This thought really helped me hold on. In addition, the Lord filled the students with so much motivation. Their enthusiasm gave me the strength to move forward. During the month of February, we talked about organizing a closing ceremony for our activities. My principal made it clear to me that I would not receive a penny for this ceremony; moreover, many colleagues showed me their disinterest. The hardest part was the feeling that everyone was expecting me to fail.

I wanted to give up, but the word of one of my students helped me persevere. He said to me, "Do not worry, everything will be fine. We will make it”. I felt immediately that it was the Lord who was speaking through this young man and that it was He who was fortifying me. I do not remember exactly, but I believe that this very evening I addressed the following prayer to the Lord: "I thank You very much for strengthening me through the enthusiasm of my students. I do not know how it will be possible, but let the little party we want to organize be a great success, let everyone at the end of this event have no choice but to recognize that it is Your hand who acted on our behalf.” After this prayer, I was completely free from stress.

One week before the event, I made one last attempt with my principal and I received a negative answer again. The same evening, I went to the bank, and that's how I learned that the state had paid me my salary arrears. Hallelujah!! God also raised the generosity of several teachers to whom students had given help tickets. This is how the Lord made it possible at the last minute that we have the means to organize our party.

It will be too long to tell, but I would just like to say that the event was a great success. Initially, the members of the club formed a small group, but then many “labourers of the eleventh hour” wanted to make the event a success! My principal did not want to attend, but he came and stayed until the end. He spoke at the end to say how pleased he was with everything he saw and he even invited all the other colleagues to take note and follow the example of our club!!! Proverbs 16:7 “When a man’s ways are pleasing to the LORD, He makes even his enemies to be at peace with him.”

Concerning my health: I had to have a tooth pulled during this month. My two previous experiences at the dentist had been a nightmare. For some reason, the anesthesia had no effect on me. I was very traumatized by the memory of the pain. This time, although frightened (I must admit) I went to the dentist. But I kept saying, “Lord Jesus, have mercy!! “ The Lord has heard me. I did not feel the slightest pain, everything happened so fast!! These are the testimonies I had to share. There are still plenty to come.

And here is another biblical verse that come to my heart:

Psalm 84:4-7 KJV "Blessed are they that dwell in thy house: they will be still praising thee. Selah. Blessed is the man whose strength is in thee; in whose heart are the ways of them. Who passing through the valley of Baca make it a well; the rain also filleth the pools.  They go from strength to strength, every one of them in Zion appeareth before God."

~ Breona in Cameroon

Critical Part of your Restoration

Dear Brides – the Lord is waiting for you to surrender your hurts and fears so He can deliver you and create a deep trust and relationship with you. He is so wonderful, and never – ever leaves you in the desert alone. He promises to never abandon you!! All He requires is simple trust.

Really a wonderful lesson Chapter 12 “Your Best Protection“. God has been faithful to me (great example) as I’ve been a single mom most of my daughter’s life. He has always provided for us – always. Even now, without any support coming in, our standard of living hasn’t changed a bit. Why? ALL the LORD + I began tithing to my storehouse, RF.

Right now, I am desperately trying to please the LORD in every way – my speech, my words, my actions, my thoughts, my treatment of others, etc. I have a prayer closet (literally) that I sit in and pray – it’s so small and so great!! 🙂 I am not perfect, but the Lord knows my heart and how much I desire to make HIM my everything. I begin to fail when I try to figure out God’s work, especially when it comes to my EH. The hate wall is completely down and the communication is small (mostly text), but thoughtful and loving. Instead of my rejoicing, my mind goes before the Lord about “how …”.  I think a lot of the pain (besides the obvious of the OW) is that I caused a lot of this myself – by awful behavior. This must stop, I plead for forgiveness and ask the Lord for healing in my soul. The Lord has truly made me into another person. He has and will continue to refine me forever, as I have asked Him too.

As I mentioned above, this lesson Chapter 12 “Your Best Protection”  will help me to remember how faithful God is – because HE truly is. I have so much faith in His mighty power, and the only time I fail is when I listen to others and get into my “head”. Trust means also being smart. This, for me, has involved moving away from some friendships who move me to a bad place, either by their disbelief in the Lord and His ways, or overall just too worldly for me right now. The last thing I ever want to be again is a Pharisee, but as Erin states, we do need to separate ourselves from some people during our trials. I am trying to give to others what I’m seeking and need. I try daily to encourage others, and have given several RYM books out for others. I am going to order more just to have when needed. As I pray and ask the Lord to help me help others, I know He will be faithful in this regard.

Lets says a quick prayer! Dear Lord, the changes I desire you to make is for you to give me greater faith each day. Faith that overcomes all evil and all my desires that are not of you. Let your WILL be done in my life.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not not your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths. Prov 3: 5-6

It’s all about the trust. God is always faithful, the problem is us….often times being double minded and lacking faith.

Dear Brides – this lesson was a great reminder to me that I need to daily surrender my hurts and fears. He is waiting to take from me. I just need to drop them in His able hands and trust – He will do the rest! Isn’t that wonderful?!

Ladies – this book Finding the Abundant Life is a gem – a gem of how to live an abundant life today! The good news is you don’t have to suffer or wait another day. God is beyond GOOD!

~ Briella in the United States


I have tears as I write this report. I have not heard a WORD from EH for 6 months now. Yesterday, I did the lesson that talks about tithing to your storehouse. I changed my tithe from my church to RF and updated it from tithing net to gross. This morning I decided to fast and I was running late to work. I stopped to get coffee and my EH was right in front of me in line! He said I looked great and we hugged for about a minute. He asked how I was and I said “good” with a smile. I did not talk too much! And, as he walked away I did not look back 🙂

He then text me a few minutes later to say that was the best hug he had in a long time! I said “me too, I miss you.” He said “I miss you, too.” I KNOW the Lord is going to restore my marriage in HIS TIME. Today is NYE, and the LORD is tooo good for words. Still in tears of his goodness. Is it a coincidence that I tithed last night to RF and ran into EH? NEVER!!! Brides, do NOT neglect this critical part of your restoration. ALL PRAISE AND GLORY BE TO MY LORD JESUS!!!!

Delight yourself in the LORD and HE will give you the desire of your heart.
Psalm 37:4

Ladies, I asked God for a “nugget” of encouragement to stay on this journey, and HE gave me a cake! You cannot outlive GOD and HIS goodness surpasses human understanding.

~ Briella in the United States

Answers and Confirmations!!

I had been praying about how to get the RMI resources in my country so that I could share them with the many hurting women He leads me to talk or meet with. I have felt that for most of these women, having these materials in hard copies would be more convenient than having the digital ones since many people here still prefer reading on paper more than on the screen.

Philippians 4:6 "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God."

I had asked one of the ministry team members about this and about the best way to get them where He has me living now. However, before she replied, He did: I felt the need to join the Partners since He already had put in my heart the desire to tithe to my storehouse (RMI) for some months now. After praying about this and receiving additional info about it when requested by another ministry member, I decided to happily apply because I felt the need to continue helping women who, like me in the past, was desperate to find true love (our HH). I know He doesn´t want to limit this to my city or country, but this way I can help women all around the world.

Malachi 3:10 "Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it."

Then, as if the privilege to be able to help others in need was not enough, He blessed me through this membership and answered my prayer by receiving the full resources in a digital way, plus many coupons with discounts to order the hard copy books in Spanish!!! The ones I will need to give women around me in Colombia! Thank you, my Beloved, for your words, answers and confirmations!!

1 Thessalonians 5:11"Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing."

Dear Brides, let's take all our requests and prayers to Him, being grateful in advance for all He does and will do once we acknowledge His presence and love Him entirely!!

~ Sara in Panama

I Silently SCREAMED Inside

I have to say my HH really surprised me with this testimony I am about to share. He is amazing!!

We met a family through our son in an event we were invited to. At the gathering, they shared how they go every year to Nicaragua and would love for our family to join them. I thought, "my EH would never agree, I mean we just met them." and before I could even finish thinking about it, he was accepting the invitation.

I thought for sure when we got home he would change his mind saying he was just being polite in agreeing, but no he was talking about the trip and how it would be a great family vacation!!

Well at that time I started to get excited because Nicaragua is where RMI ESP has our yearly retreat and my family will see the country I go to. I SG and asked for His will. The time came when my EH asked me to purchase the plane tickets and not to wait. I did so, but at that time the country started having rioting. I obeyed and trusted God since the tickets were very expensive and non-refundable.

As a couple weeks passed by and the other family called me. She has family in Nicaragua and said things were getting worse over there and what was just rioting turned into a small civil war, so bad that they removed the American Embassy. I just listened and asked what their plans were, since we were invited by them we would follow their lead. She explained that she had called the airline various times and to change the flights it would be a very large fee per ticket, not to mention the pricey tickets that we had already paid. It was almost like we would have to wait until the last minute to see if they put up a "travel Alert" at that time to change, but we wanted a vacation that was planned and organized. She said she would continue to try and contact me in 3 days.

I, of course, gave all this to the Lord and shared with my EH in which he said just wait for them to call in 3 days. I got the call as scheduled and they shared that the airline is still not changing the flights without the fee, but that regardless they for sure would not be going to Nicaragua but instead to Costa Rica. Well, this was bittersweet to me. I have been wanting to go to Costa Rica for over a year now. It was most definitely a desire of my heart. SO once again I got super excited, but my EH said he would not pay any changing fee and we would just have to see where else we can go.

In obedience, I looked at so many different places, but none felt right. Then coming into the office my EH said for me to call the airlines and DO and SAY whatever it takes to get those tickets changed to Costa Rica without having to pay those fees, even if it meant to get nasty. Well after reading many times the chapter in MM and how Michele got the Hawaii trip changed after it was absolutely non-changeable and she did it in such a calm and trusting way, I wanted NOT to be nasty but prayed to be protected from that and for Him to do the miracle.

Do not let kindness and truth leave you; Bind them around your neck, Write them on the tablet of your heart. So you will find favor and good repute In the sight of God and man. Trust in the LORD with all your heart And do not lean on your own understanding.… (Proverbs 3:3-5)

I called and remember being super sweet and just kindly explained the situation and she answered so nicely that she really wanted to help me but would have to put me on hold to get approval. Well after a couple, "thank you for holding, I am still working on it" she finally came back that they approved the change WITHOUT the fee (I didn't even ask them to waive it) and that she would have to do it manually since it is not normally done!!! I silently SCREAMED inside and cried just PTL!! He had done it! We were going to Costa Rica and although they still gave the other family issues, after they gave the airline our last name they agreed to change theirs also.

For those who find me find life and receive favor from the LORD. (Proverbs 8:35)

I will be meeting a member and taking 2 boxes of books for distributions and doing outreach to a very poor school of 55 students. MY HH IS THE BEST!!!

~ Lota in the United States

You Simply Supplied and Still Do

I have taken too long to write this Praise report and I apologize for this. When reading that God will supply all our need according to His riches and glory I simply tried Him on that.

I can tell you I was scared at first, my EH has been the one that had supplied for me in all our marriage and when I simply asked He gave. Now I felt uncomfortable asking Him for things I needed or wanted, and it was there where I remembered that my HH told me that He is the one that supplies for me, no one else.

So, after testing Him and telling Him that I will trust Him for Him to supply all my needs, I got in touch with a friend and started speaking about financial situations, that I did not want to find a job that would keep me away from my kids, that it was not an option, and well she simply said, “you could sell clothes for me, I can give you the clothes and give you a commission for the ones you sell, it’s not much but you will have money”. I even told her I wasn’t that good of a salesperson, which she simply replied, “sometimes you don’t know for what you are good for”, so I said yes and thanked her.

The first time she gave me the clothes, it was my sister in law that bought from me first, I was amazed at how much she spent, and then everything just followed. My friend was amazed at how much I sold in just 15 days and it was in those 15 days where I saw the glory of my wonderful HH overflowing in my life. He blessed me with a job that did not take me away from my kids, blessed me with sales. I was in awe and blessed my friend for opening her job for me.

Philippians 4:19 And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.

He did what I asked Him for. He is supplying for all my needs and He is still doing it. I have wonderful customers and my HH is opening for me new doors to go and sell more clothes, and all of this while my kids are at school.

Thank you my HH for hearing my prayer and for showing me your power in my life. You knew my needs, and you simply supplied and still do. Thank you for allowing me to have money for me to give back to you, by tithing something I worried about because I did not know where I would find the money to do it. But you knew my heart, you knew I wanted to give to you what you deserved and you again supplied. Everything that you give is yours, not mine, I am simply blessed to have you in my life and showing each and every day how you work on it and how much you have in store to give me.

Malachi 3:10 Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.

~ Delilah

Do you have a similar testimony, or do you relate to one of the 10 testimonies you read in this chapter?

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