Chapter 5
I Owe Nothing
“‘Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse,
so that there may be food in My house, and
test Me now in this,’ says the Lord of hosts,
‘if I will not open for you the windows of heaven, and
pour out for you a blessing until it overflows.’”
Milestone #1: Testimonies of Tithing
"I Owe Nothing"
I want to share my praise report. Before, I did not know how important it was to tithe 10% to God. I must admit, I was guilty of spending my money on "other necessities" and whatever was left I would donate as a tithe as I thought some was better than none right? Since my journey, I have started tithing and God has been so faithful.
My daughter and I had just dropped my mother off at her residence and when I attempted to backup my vehicle out of the parking space, it would not go. When I attempted to move forward, my vehicle would not go. All of a sudden I heard a horrific grinding noise and the front of my vehicle shook and it felt like something had fallen onto the ground from under the hood. I turned the vehicle off and a relative came to look at it. He started my vehicle, put it in reverse and it worked again. He test drove it for a while and said it seems fine. Needless to say, I was confused while he was smirking at me. Just to be safe I went ahead and scheduled an appointment with a transmission shop.
When I went to the shop to find out the news of what was wrong and how much it was going to cost as I have no money, I was told nothing wrong could be found. In fact I was told for the age of my vehicle, the transmission and casing are in great shape!! But wait, there is another blessing. When I asked how much do I owe, I was told nothing. I wanted to cry.
Praise the Lord!!!
~Lanie in Michigan
“He Always Provides”
I have been tithing to RMI since the beginning of my restoration journey. I have never wanted or gone without anything during this time. Most importantly I have learned to let go of trying to control things such as how much money my EH (earthly husband) was spending. I have to admit there is such a freedom in trusting my HH (Heavenly Husband) to provide for me!!
Last night a few of my friends and I were exercising at a local high school stadium. Upon returning to our vehicles we found that two of our cars were broken into. The thieves shattered the back windows and stole our purses. I have to admit my first instinct was to be upset with my HH for not protecting me. Yet I quickly renewed my mind and began to praise Him instead—knowing that He ultimately is in control of EVERYTHING.
“Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces endurance. Let perseverance finish it’s work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.” James 1:1-4 (NIV)
Everything went fairly smoothly. An officer arrived within minutes and wrote up a report. A friend stayed behind and drove my kids home since they couldn't ride in my back seat because it was full of glass. There was even a big rain storm forecasted but He made sure it did not rain a drop until after the officer dusted for fingerprints and I drove away :).
Then, last night I realized I had no money because I had no ATM card and no identification to go to the bank to even pull out any money due to the break-in. I operate primarily with cash, and honestly, I don't have much in the bank to withdraw anyway.
So instead of seeking the help of my EH, I immediately sought the help of my HH. I said: “Lord, You allowed this trial to happen, and I trust that You will provide.” Within only a few minutes— I had 3 people offer to give me $300. That amount would cover the cost of a new window and my expenses for the next couple of weeks.
Ladies, I am so thankful for my relationship with my HH. Things that before would have brought me despair and anxiety do not affect me the way they used to. I will never let the enemy steal my joy and instead will use these everyday crises to prove how faithful He is.
Ladies I encourage you to seek the Lord and praise Him in ALL things because, “All things work together for good to those who LOVE God and are called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28
~ Jill
“Believing God for the Impossible”
I wanted to send a PR (Praise Report) about how God is so on time in keeping His promises. He says in His Word that “will a man rob God? Yet you rob Me. “But you ask, ‘how are we robbing You?’ In tithes and offerings.” (Malachi 3:8). “Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in My house. Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.” (Malachi 3:10)
A few years ago I received a letter from a Mortgage Review Company inquiring about a short sale on my home. The letter stated that I may be due a refund but I needed to sign a release of information in order for them to proceed. Well I thought this was some sort of hoax. So I waited about three days to respond because I wanted to talk with my HH first before sending off any information. God reassured me that I could send off the information they were requesting. Well this was a few years ago. My marital crisis hit in November and I was left with $100 to pay the rest of the household bills. I kept my belief in God but I did not get the breakthrough I needed. I was taught that if you do not have any money to tithe with that you could tithe your gifts and your talents. So I was always helping others and making myself available to do outreach in my local community. But I made up in my mind in December after coming to RMI that I would begin tithing again.
During the middle of the month of December, I received money to pay all my bills and to take a vacation. In April the next year, I went to check the mailbox at our complex and there was a check in the mail that had been there since January from the Mortgage Review Team. The letter restated that my short sale was handled incorrectly and that I was due a refund. Enclosed was a check.
By being led by God’s Holy Spirit to check this mailbox, I would have missed out on this refund because it was issued in January and was only good for 90 days. I stood at the mailbox in amazement! God wanted me to share this with every woman who is believing in God for the IMPOSSIBLE in their lives that God does hear you when you pray and are obedient to His Word. “But He said to me, My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness. Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.” He also delights in our obedience, “Then Samuel said, Is the LORD as delighted with burnt offerings and sacrifices as He would be with your obedience? To follow instructions is better than to sacrifice. To obey is better than sacrificing the fat of rams.” 1 Samuel 15:22
~Letitia in Georgia
“He Keeps on Blessing Me”
God is so good!! I am a stay-at-home mom so I don't have much finances, but God keeps on blessing me. I was never one to pay my tithes like I should, but now I've been paying my tithes and offering like I am supposed to. Even when my finances get low, I STILL pay my tithes and offering cheerfully. I got home one day and found money on top of my washing machine. I found a dollar in a purse I haven't worn months. I was folding clothes that I had washed and found money in my pants pocket. I know it was nobody but God. For we know God to be Jehovah Jireh our Provider. He provides for me everyday! The scripture that keeps dwelling in my spirit is Proverbs 3:5, “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not to thy own understanding.” I'm learning through all this to just trust solely in God.
~Tiffany in Virginia
“Praise God from Whom all Blessings Flow”
We have been troubled by multiple repair needs in the midst of an expensive home repair. My car needed work, son’s car, husband’s truck, then the rental property had a crack in a tub that caused a leak through to a ceiling below that caused thousands of dollars, and all at a time when cash flow was low. Then my work announced a $900 per paycheck cut to cover a business unexpected tax expense! I was on my knees!
I had finally resumed tithing, after being sloppy while floating around after a church split. It was all my bad, since I am still the one (and have always been) who pays the bills/writes the checks (EH - earthly husband - doesn't want to). He believed in tithing and I could have been doing it but I failed to tithe. I apologized to my husband for not tithing, and he did say he forgave me. (I think he appreciated seeing me in a humble state.)
So, I had begun to tithe, writing the full amount as soon as the paycheck landed. And what seemed to happen was things got worse!?! I kept repeating “test Me in this, says The Lord.” I admit to being very concerned, as a bill was due in two days, and there were no funds to pay it. I went to sleep praying, and was able to sleep well, thinking that I knew God would provide in time.
The next morning I sat at the table. "Tell me what to do, Lord." Usually at this point I would have been calling my husband in tears, asking him to help me figure it out, and thus adding stress to him and making him want to run away further. Instead, I pulled up our accounts online thinking, if I move a little from each of the accounts (business, checking, tax account, and even my kids accounts!), I could maybe make it work.
Suddenly, I saw that there was a significant amount more in one account than I expected. I looked at the details and saw it was true. It was just enough to allow me to pay the bill, even with a little left over! It was a shock, because I "knew" that account had less than that in it before.
I paid the bill and suddenly burst out singing the doxology. Now, I love music, but I have never been blessed with a beautiful voice. Yet, I know that anyone who heard me singing then would have heard it as beautiful. God gifted me with a beautiful voice for that moment of praising Him. I sat on the floor and cried tears of joy! God will provide!
~ Ursula in Missouri
“Overwhelmed by His Loving Kindness”
There are so many things I could praise my Lord for, He has been ever so faithful in meeting ALL of my needs and the needs of my children. Right now, I just want to praise Him and give Him glory. He surprised me with an unexpected $1,400 check!!! Even in the midst of my fear of not having enough. I asked for His forgiveness and mercy because I was struggling with this fear. To be sure that He is faithful and just to forgive and just to let me know how much He loves me too, regardless of what I do, He blessed me! What an AMAZING God we serve! I love my Heavenly Husband so much. He will never leave me, or forsake me and He is so patient and kind to me. I could not ask for anything better than my Lord. I am truly overwhelmed by His loving kindness.
~Carrie in Michigan
Ministry Note: Carrie didn’t mention, but we checked, that she overcame her hurdle of tithing in March. Since then she has given and tested God—who again proved His faithfulness to her by opening the windows of heaven!
“He Lives in Me”
I needed to submit a Praise Report because, as usual I am in awe of how perfect, amazing, and wonderful God's way is. Today I read the Encourager from Sarah's Restoration Journey Novel and she tagged Kelly Todd's own RJN (Restoration Journey Novel), which I immediately, abruptly clicked the link to and downloaded to read (all my books are free because I’m a partner and tithe). Less than halfway into the novel a few hours later, I am now reduced to tears and amazed at how God works if we let Him. I see in Kelly's journey similarities, what we did wrong as wives, and how God was in control of our change.
Around this time, I am having a hard time correcting my ways with my earthly father. It's really hard to close my mouth when he speaks and it constantly shakes me, hurts me, and angers me. I am in a lot of need to control my emotions. The past weeks, I've stopped moving on with my lessons as I cannot really go further with “Honoring the Dishonorable.” I spend time now still in communication with the Lord, but mostly waiting on how He will direct me.
God keeps showing me that more than anything, I need to fix my relationship with my father. I need to change how I react to his ways. I need to show him that my Heavenly Father lives in me. The past few weeks I've been constantly failing at this. I feel negativity between us when he is around and I keep drifting back to my old ways. And I can't be like this!! I can't go on like this. I am currently living with my parents and avoidance has been successful until this April when I am spending more time at home. I asked God whether I should move so as to avoid my old ways. But I hear Him saying, “No!” I should fix this, fix myself to fix this.
I will be facing a great hurdle, my concerns try to overwhelmed me, but I hear Him and He makes me feel, I will not be alone when I do. I just have to remember Him and what He has done for me!
All things are happening according to how God wants it to be. He makes things possible and I am loving the flow of His plans.
~Diane in Philippines
"Prayer and Praising"
This report covers the past three weeks so please bear with me if it is too long. I just have been so busy and didn't have access to the internet, but I just can not not glorify my Lord and Savior for His marvelous works in my life.
These past few weeks just humbled me because I do not know where would I be had it not been for RMI and my Lord. I have always known the importance of tithing, but never lived it. After I started tithing, my financial situation became worse than ever, but not one day did me and my family go hungry. He just kept supplying all my needs even though I had zero rands in my account :). God is awesome and everything is in His capable hands.
I have learnt to trust in Him completely and not worry myself. Previously I would have panicked and called my family and friends for help, but this time I just SG and He provided like He promised. This one day my EH even came home with a cheesecake, I DIDN'T EVEN ASK FOR IT, but it was what I had been feeling like eating that whole day. He didn't know, but God did. What a Husband we have in our Lord.
I had been thinking about fasting but was scared since I am breastfeeding a month old baby, so on Monday I felt led to start a 2 day fast, only drinking tea and water. After only a few hours just as I was on my knees finishing praying, the electricity guy knocked on my door, saying he has come to switch off the lights but will give me a few hours to cook. I was so at peace and just thanked him and quickly prepared a meal for my family and spent the rest of the day in prayer and praise. There went my tea fast, LOL (laugh out loud), I just drank water and some juice.
I can say it was the most awesome 3 days in our family as me and the kids spent the time bonding and talking without the disturbance of TV. My kids didn't complain once and I just stuck to God's truth and didn't call or complain to anyone. I just spoke to my Saviour and He led me to this verse "Psalm 69:16-17 Answer me, Lord, out of the goodness of your love;in your great mercy turn to me. Do not hide your face from your servant;answer me quickly, for I am in trouble"
I just kept repeating this verse over and over and spent my time in prayer. The lights are back on and I fasted for 3 days, how glorious is our God. Mighty in works and loves us with an everlasting love.
Lastly on the last day of my fast, which was yesterday, I was just praying and praising when I felt the most intense sense of love and presence. I was bathed in warmth and was just crying. Ladies God is real and loves us with an everlasting love.
He doesn't count our failures and we don't have to prove ourselves to Him. He is my Lord and He has become my Husband. I need no one and live for no one but my God.
~ Busi in South Africa
“Who’s First?”
I really want to encourage my sisters in the Lord. My life is changed for the better. I have seen things that only my God could do. I learned one of the most important principles that I knew. When I didn't apply this principle I was cursed with a curse, and when I did obey, I was blessed abundantly. Yes, my beloved sister, "Tithes". Yes, I had nothing, but God provided in ways I couldn't imagine.
I lived in a home with both parents. My parents had two restaurants, many houses for rent, and never wanted for anything. But my parents separated, even though they weren't married legally. My mom said if He had to strip it all away to bring her closer to God, do it. This lifestyle changed my whole life. I wouldn't be grateful, compassionate to others, and content for the things I had and the things I lost. I lived in hotels, had no food to eat, and moved to live in the projects. O my God is good all the time. My sisters it’s for our good.
“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28
How could something so bad turn for my good? Because God is faithful! I was taught the principle of tithing in my younger days. My daddy didn't believe in that principle, but my mom taught me God owns it all, it's already His. That was a hurdle that I had to overcome. I asked God how can I stop robbing Him in that area of my life.
“And she again bare his brother Abel. And Abel was a keeper of sheep, but Cain was a tiller of the ground. And in process of time it came to pass, that Cain brought of the fruit of the ground an offering unto the LORD.” Genesis 4:2-3
In the process of time, Cain brought his offering to God. But Abel gave the first. He didn't know if he would have another ewe, but, he knew it belonged to God. That changed my life. To put God first in every area of my life. "Tithes" was a "matter of the heart". I realized that I had been saved too long to just give God 10%, I didn't understand the principle of grace in tithing. But God said test me on this.
“How that in a great trial of affliction the abundance of their joy and their deep poverty abounded unto the riches of their liberality.” 2 Corinthians 8:2
But I knew it all belongs to the Lord. So my heart was full of joy and wanted to give God more. I know I couldn't repay Him, but I loved Him so much and wanted the kingdom of God to spread the Gospel (The Good News) so, when I got my once a month income, I tithed 20% to God and in the offering. I want the world to know "Jehovah is God”. I had many cars, jobs that I didn't qualify for, and a 3-bedroom without interest. But, it wasn't the money nor the possessions, nor my EH (earthly husband), it was my HH (Heavenly Husband).
“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” Matthew 6:33
Money is something that the kingdom of God uses to provide “all these things”. The best part I love the most is "rebuking the devourer" for my sake. When the enemies come to steal, kill, and destroy. God will rebuke the enemy.
I forsook my HH. I realized during my trial and my marriage crisis that I left my first love. Thank God I was led to this ministry to come back to my First Love. To repent and to change my mind. I lost everything during this trial, but He's merciful. I still have my home for His glory, not mine. A test or trial has to be proven. I paid my tithes and offerings first. I don't care if I didn't have gas in my car, food to eat, or there was a bill due. I didn't care. When I got paid on the weekday, I would put my tithes in the mailbox.
Bride, don't let the enemy tempt you. He is a Liar. Pay your tithes Please!! I am a witness that God's Word is Yes and Amen.
“Brave Enough to Trust”
Tithing was very hard to do when I had little faith. But now I give because it shows God I trust Him and will do anything He asks.
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9 NIV
Do not be afraid. Trust the Lord, Your heavenly Husband. He only wants what's best for you.
Dear Friend, If you are struggling to let go, tell God and ask Him to help you be brave enough to trust and obey Him.
~ Tiffany in Canada

Do you have a similar testimony, or do you relate to one of the 10 testimonies you read in this chapter?
Comment (below) so we can add it to this book or another book in our series of Word of Their Testimony Opening Heaven!