Chapter 6
Double Blessings
“‘Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse,
so that there may be food in My house, and
test Me now in this,’ says the Lord of hosts,
‘if I will not open for you the windows of heaven, and
pour out for you a blessing until it overflows.’”
Milestone #1: Testimonies of Tithing
“Double Blessings”
I am sitting here grinning from ear to ear. It's late and I'm tired but I couldn't go to bed without writing this. God is so faithful and He never breaks a promise!!
Three weeks ago I had bill collectors at my heels! I had just finished paying all the bills I could pay, and I had very little left over. My credit card bill was the last bill to pay for the month and I didn't have enough to meet the full payment. I had $50 remaining in my account so I paid that amount on my bill in "good faith" hoping that they would accept it even though it was less than what I owed. To my dismay, it was NOT ACCEPTABLE ;(. They called me while at work but I was at lunch, my boss took the phone call and the message said to call my credit card company! I was feeling very humiliated by this time!!
For the remainder of the day while at work I kept praying and asking the Lord to give me favor with them when I called them back. When I arrived home I made the phone call and guess what, the gentleman showed me NO favor. In fact, he actually treated me like I was a bad child!! He told me I would have to pay another payment by a certain date, and he told me they wanted me to agree to automatic withdrawal from my account. My flesh wanted to argue and say "no" but I heard the still small voice say, "agree with thine adversary", so I did and gave them permission to debit my account. I wasn't getting a paycheck between then so I gave it up to the Lord and said to Him, "Lord, You have to help me with this, I have no means to pay it."
The following week when Wednesday rolled around, HE CAME THROUGH!!! I received a bonus from my employers for "Secretary's Day" and this covered the cost of the payment that would be withdrawn from my account plus a little money left over for gas and groceries!! PLT!!!
Then blessing #2 came when I received an email on May 5th saying that I would be receiving $400 from another source. I REJOICED and realized that God was working on my behalf but the only “problem” was that I wouldn’t get it until May 12th and that would make my payment late once again. BUT ladies He is so faithful, He is the problem solver, I decided to check my bank account before going to bed tonight and there it was, the $400 came 4 days earlier than it was supposed to and now I can pay the remainder of my bill on time!!!
"Comfort, comfort my people, says your God. Speak tenderly to Jerusalem, and proclaim to her that her hard service has been completed, that her sin has been paid for, that she has received from the Lord’s hand DOUBLE for all her sins." Isaiah 40:1-2 NIV
The Lord has shown me that having any outstanding debt is not what He wants for me and HE is helping me pay it off in full!! PTL!!
"Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another..." Romans 13:8
~ Dodi
“He Blocked It”
Your praises shall continually be in my mouth! My Heavenly Husband is so good to me! I thank Him for every moment of every day. This praise report is to give testament to His protective love for me.
I was at work and left to take my lunch break. That day I didn't bring a lunch with me so I went out for lunch instead. I went to a place that I usually go to and when I was paying for my food, the cashier told me that my card declined. I asked her to run my card again assured that it was a mistake. I knew it had to be a mistake because I had gotten paid that day and even prior to getting paid, I still had money in my account (that my HH blessed me with).
So after running my card again, she told me that it had declined. Then she added that since I am a regular customer that she would allow me to pay for my food next time. That was such a sweet gesture and even in that I saw that my HH was covering me! However I did find enough cash to pay for my food. Afterwards I called my bank. They informed me that they had placed a hold on my card. The teller then told me that I would need to speak to their verification department.
Once speaking to them, the lady asked me if I had used my card in Virginia at a hotel that day. I told her that I'm currently in Washington State and certainly not in Virginia. After she asked me a couple of other questions regarding the suspicious activity, she informed me that someone tried using my card twice that day. The first attempt was a very small amount of $2.18. Then once that went through the person tried using my card to take over $2,000 out of my account! But, all thanks be to my glorious HH—He blocked it! My bank was immediately alerted of the activity and before the second amount was not processed, it was blocked!
My Love, My Jesus protected me from being stolen from. He made sure that whoever tried to steal from me didn't get what they were hoping to get. As I mentioned before, I had just gotten paid that day. Had that person taken it, I would have not had any money to tithe or pay bills, etc. But my HH was faithful to rebuke the devourer because of my obedience to Him in giving my tithes (I tithe 10% of my gross pay to my storehouse RMI). My Love, guarded what He has blessed me with. I've known others who weren't that blessed. Their banks didn't catch the fraud in time, so they had to go through a process to get the funds back. But my HH had my back and I give all glory to Him.
Give Him praises in everything. You never know what will come your way, but as you put all your hope, faith and trust in Him alone, He will always make sure that you are on the winning side of every battle.
Be Blessed!
~Lina in Washington
Ministry Note: Though Lina is too humble to mention it, right around this same time she had not only tithed faithfully, but she began also giving an offering AND then sponsored a woman to purchase 5 RYM paperback books. God not only saw her heart, which proves that acts of kindness and giving never go unnoticed by Him but are always rewarded.
Thank You Lord. 🙂
“He Showed Up & Out”
Malachi 3:10 - "Bring all the tithes (the whole tenth of your income) into the storehouse, that there may be food in My house, and prove ME now by it, says the Lord of hosts, if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it."
OUR GOD IS SO GOOD! He is Faithful to His promises. Throughout this entire experience, even during my times of little faith, I can see God's presence in my life. Its when I take my eyes off of God and look at my circumstances that I become overwhelmed. I've been praying for a financial blessing to help me in taking care of my bills and to take care of nagging issues that continue to be present. While I haven't asked for wealth, I have brought my financial needs to God and laid them before Him. When I brought these to God, I asked Him for deliverance from these issues, and I just "TRUSTED" God to provide. I have been tithing regularly to my "storehouse". Well, yesterday when I got home, I stopped by my mailbox and was sitting in my car, going through my mail and I opened a letter sent to me by my mortgage lender. When I opened it - it was a letter that said, you have a surplus in your escrow account, enclosed is a check refunding you the amount in surplus! Well, I open the check thinking maybe a couple hundred dollars. But folks, I had a check for 1,200.00!!!!! God showed up and showed OUT in a BIG WAY! More than enough to pay off my nagging financial issues and still have money in the bank. My daughter walked up about that time and we both just sat in the car and PRAISED GOD!
I began thinking about it and was still in "shock" and in "Awe" of how great my God is and it hit me. I need to apply that same faith to my restoration journey. I don't have to beg and plead for God to fix things, I just need to give it to Him and He will show up... RIGHT ON TIME. I need to be reminded of this regularly because the longer the time goes by, the more I realize I'm still begging and pleading for something that God has already done!! I just have to wait for the "check in the mail" - and it WILL show up... right on time... Just as God promised it would!
I love it when He doesn't just show up... but when He SHOWS OUT... because nothing God does is small or insignificant! I am praising God for His blessings and His abundance... I'm still overwhelmed and in awe... but I will be praising God continuously for His "BIG GOD MOMENT" yesterday!
~ Angie in Texas
“Heaven’s Windows Opened”
I have been so blessed lately. I know a huge part of this has to do with tithing. I have experienced the blessings from tithing and the devourer not being rebuked from not tithing my full 10%.
Lately the windows of heaven have been opened. There were several things I was praying about needing. I asked the Lord if it was His will if He would provide them for me. Due to finances it would take a miracle to get any of these needs met. And oh boy has He provided.
First I prayed about a new laptop. While visiting my mother-in-law in California in August, she comes up to me and offers me her brand new laptop she says she doesn’t really use it or like it because it’s a touch screen. How amazing, I wanted to cry at this answer to prayer. And the touch screen has helped me actually get my work done faster.
Then comes October, my boys had bunk beds that boards were missing and the mattress was sunk down and they were pretty trashed. Not to mention I couldn't keep my one year old off the top bunk even after removing the ladder. So it was very stressful and took a lot of time throughout the day removing her from the top. So, I asked the Lord for help with the climbing and for new beds. I asked if He could provide a way. I never mentioned any of these prayer to anyone besides the Lord. Then my EH comes home from work and says his company's corporate apartment that no one lives in has 2 twin beds and they are ours if we want them. So we got two twin beds that are brand new with new bedding for free. How awesome is the Lord.
Then I started to realize with this next thing that I was getting double of everything. Not just one. It dawned on me when my dad sent me 2 birthday cards for my birthday and both had money in them. I thought that it was odd to get 2 cards from him both with money. Then I received 2 amazon gift cards from mom and grandma. I was getting the double portion that the scripture talks about!!!
So next I was talking to my MIL (Mother-in-Law) about used tires because she has experience with those. I can’t afford new ones and I had some terrifying moments not being able to make it up a hill because the tires were so bald. So it had been a few weeks of searching around to find the right place for a used one. My MIL law said I needed two for safety reasons. No way could I afford 2. So I just kept praying. My MIL law called me and said Happy Birthday and Merry Christmas!!! She went into a shop and paid for 4 new tires and installation!! God is so good!!! He surely does more than we can ask or imagine!!
The final thing is our couches. One was from a thrift store and the other a hand me down that has holes in it from my one year old. So I was praying about a way to fix the holes. In my mind duct-tape seemed like a great solution but the Lord had other plans. My EH comes home and says we are going to have 2 new couches from the corporate apartment.!!I just can’t get over all of these amazing blessings. It seems no sooner than the need leaves my mouth, the Lord is returning far more and better than I could ever dream. He is so good!! It has made me fall more in love with Him. He knows how much I love surprises and He has been surprising me with wonderful gifts.
I also just remembered my EH paid for me to get my hair done. My sister took me to get my nails done. The Lord also doubled my income last month. I just can’t even believe all of this in October!
And the best part is on top of all of the gifts my joy, peace, strength, faith and love for my Heavenly Husband has increased more than double. I feel like a new person!!!
~ Christina in Washington
“I Tested Him”
I want to praise my Lord and thank Erin for revealing the truth about tithing. I never heard about such an important principle like this.
The most touching was the truth, that the Lord owns everything. Everything that I have, what I ever own belongs to God and He is so gracious to bless me with all those gifts. And this made me consider tithing even though I did not earn any money at that time.
“. . . Freely you received, freely give” Matt. 10:8
I want to start with my background. Here in Poland tithing is something nobody talks or hears about. But the Lord was always blessing me with money. I was able to take care of myself financially very soon even though I was still studying. He was taking care of my jobs and I never lacked anything. Thank You my Lord!!
I thank the Lord for giving me a generous heart. I love to support people around me. I have always been happy to help, to give...maybe that is why I have all this financial blessing before I began tithing.
When I read the lesson about tithing I knew this was truth. I just did not know how to make it right, because I did not have own money, just money from my EH (earthly husband). So I made a deal with the Lord :). Here in Poland we have government support until the baby is three years old. But because my son was born in the USA, I was told in the office I have no right to ask for this support, even though my son has citizenship. They had never heard about story like this, so they did not know how to help me. I left it alone but I knew in my heart that I have a right to get this money. So I said “God, I will tithe 10% of the money my EH gives me if You will help me to get the money from government.”
So I went back to the officer with this verse on my lips "There is nothing impossible with God" and with gentle and quiet spirit. They took my application, bank account information and told me I will get the money. So simple!!! And not just that, they told me that I will get money for the past 6 months. Beyond my expectation!!! It was such a miracle for me at the beginning of my journey.
BUT I did not pay my tithe yet. I wanted to wait for this money and then pay together with the tithe from my EH money. The day that I was supposed to get the money came and I did not get anything. Another day came and it was the same. I really had to test God at this point in the way He is instructing us:
“‘Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, so that there may be food in My house, and test Me now in this,’ says the Lord of hosts, ‘if I will not open for you the windows of heaven, and pour out for you a blessing until it overflows. Then I will rebuke the devourer (Hebrew אָכַל 'akal - slay, consume, burn up) for you, so that it may not destroy the fruits of the ground; nor will your vine in the field cast its grapes,’ says the Lord of Hosts.” Mal. 3:10–11
So when I paid my tithe I IMMEDIATELY got the money from government. The Lord proved to me that He really is faithful.
Since this time I have learned that I really can trust Him with everything, not just with money. Everything belongs to Him, and I am His bride. I know He loves me so much that He will not save money on me.
“The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it . . .” Psalm 24:1
He knows He is the first in my heart, in my life and I do not care about earthly things anymore. I do not even care for money because “No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will stand by and be devoted to the one and despise and be against the other. You cannot serve God and mammon (deceitful riches, money, possessions, or whatever else is trusted in).” Matt.6:24 (AMP)
I trust Him with everything, I am happy with what I have. I do not want anything anymore not even one more penny but He is blessing me more and more abundantly that I can honestly say I have the richest Husband in the world and that why I am also rich. I feel rich because of Him.
Thank You my Love for everything.
~ Betsy
“Miracles in My Finances”
Like many of you, there was a time I thought I couldn't do without my 10% tithe. For a long time I partially tithed. Now, tithing has become so natural. It is the first thing that I do when payday comes. I won't even stop to buy a $1.45 breakfast taco until I pay it. I just want to PTL (Praise the Lord) for working miracles in my finances. The word says to test HIM, and I just know in my heart that my LORD and HH will provide everything that I need. Since paying my full tithes regularly HE allows me to have enough money to pay all of my bills and have extra to help others. I have a lot of credit card debt. I could do nothing but PTL when HE paid off one of my credit cards. I know it wasn't me. I am in need of new clothes for work and non-work. HE gave me $100 cash to shop with and led me to a sale where I found three shirts, a pair of jeans, and undergarments. I felt like I was on a shopping spree. Thank YOU HH. YOU always take great care of me.
~ Sabrina in Texas RESTORED
“Any Loophole”
I knew about tithing all my life and it took me going through losing my entire family for me to understand how important it is to tithe!! I no longer tithe to get anything from my HH, I tithe because I love Him and obey Him.
I remember when I was in church and I struggled so much with tithing! I would tithe and then I would allow the enemy to whisper in my ear that I needed the money or that it was okay not to because God knew my heart. Yes He knew my heart and it was wicked and disobedient! I wanted to have any loophole to keep from tithing and keeping my money to do whatever I wanted.
I am so thankful and grateful that He did not give up on me and He patiently worked with me and ministered to me that the 10% belongs to Him. I know the struggle of not wanting to let go of the tithe, but I so am grateful that it is not even a struggle any longer.
“Desperate to Save My Marriage”
Tithing is a very important principle, and it’s why I wanted to share my heart with all of you. I think maybe one of the most important and a big problem currently is that ministers does not want to preach on this principle for fear of what people will think.
This has been a principle that has been hard to do due to my financial situation but also the most fruitful after the Lord helped me to stay true to this.
I do believe that 3 of the most important keys to unlocking a happy and fruitful life here on earth is giving, praying and fasting. And part of giving is also tithing. Realizing that everything comes from the Lord to start with.
"If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."—1 John 1:9. In the beginning whenever I would tithe, I would first calculate what I could do with the money. Another sin of mine was not realizing that all I have comes from the Lord, nothing is earned for myself.
Dear Brides,
I did not say much in my form because what I wanted to say I want to say to you. I want to tell each of you the following about this principle: When I first came to RMI and realized how much emphasis is placed on tithing, of course the enemy whispered in my ear and I wondered if this ministry was just in this for the money because I have never seen any other ministry preach this principle so avidly. But to be very honest with you, I was so desperate to save my marriage that I tithed anyway. First just giving a donation while I was still attending church and then after realizing I was spiritually fed here I gave to the ministry. Again just because I was going to do everything right in order to save my marriage. Yes, I was that desperate:).
But despite my motives, I could see the effect of tithing immediately. Not in my finances as that was still a total mess but in my personal life. I was happier, more content. My faith in the Lord grew by the day. It got to a point where a friend of mine later said that she thought I was crazy for tithing because it was causing more financial damage, she told me that she really thought I could have used my tithing money more wisely. I was able to go through trials without breaking down. And yes, I do believe now that this was due to me tithing.
The Lord says He will rebuke the devourer, He does not only say, when it comes to finances, I believe it is every aspect of our lives. Even when I would sin due to my disobedience at times, I believe I was protected from more terrible consequences due to His wonderful protection. In my finances I could see the difference that although I did not have more money at that stage, the little we had suddenly went a very long way. Then the more I gave, the more I got. Suddenly my FH (former husband) would start paying for things and when he heard something broke in the house he would pay for it. There are so many instances I can mention where the Lord helps me out financially.
My FH are even paying half of the bond (mortgage in the U.S.) on our home, this is not specified in the contract, he is doing it because the Lord is taking care of me. The months I really could not afford it but did it anyway, the blessings were even more. I cannot begin to explain to you how important this principle is, but my life is a living testimony of this principle. The way I see it in my head is that His blood protects us, I see it as a glove that fits snugly over me protecting me from outside forces but when I follow His principles in the bible that glove spreads out and becomes a tent covering me and all my loved ones that lives under this tent with me. The same goes for the ministry, if we all tithe faithfully we are protected under this tent together and the enemy is kept on the outside. If you don't believe me then test the Lord and see if He will not open the heavens for you, He certainly did for me… and everything was based on His word which is why it works for everyone.
"You have sown much, but harvest little; you eat, but there is not enough to be satisfied; you drink, but there is not enough to become drunk; you put on clothing, but no one is warm enough; and he who earns, earns wages to put into a purse with holes." Haggai 1:6-9
"Thus says the LORD of hosts, "Consider your ways! "Go up to the mountains, bring wood and rebuild the temple, that I may be pleased with it and be glorified," says the LORD.
"You look for much, but behold, it comes to little; when you bring it home, I blow it away. Why?" declares the LORD of hosts, "Because of My house which lies desolate, while each of you runs to his own house."
The verse that really caught my eye was where the Lord says, I blow it away. That is exactly what it felt like to me. It felt as if it did not matter how much money we made, it was just blown away...
Another verse not in the lesson but which I related to was:
“She doesn’t realize that all she has, has come from me. It was I who gave her all the gold and silver she used in worshiping Baal, her god! “But now I will take back the wine and ripened corn I constantly supplied, and the clothes I gave her to cover her nakedness—I will no longer give her rich harvests of grain in its season or wine at the time of the grape harvest." Hosea 2:8 -9
Wow, these verses shocked me when I first read it. Yes Lord, I did not realize that You gave me all I have.
~ Yvonne
“I’m the Only Hindrance”
First I have to thank to my Husband who spare me of ANY financial lack during this whole journey. He and only He took amazing care of me and my son.
When I read FAL chapter 9 “Give” , I had to stop and think how could I live my life before without the knowledge that He—the Husband, who is MINE is the Source of everything? He is the Source of every blessing not just in my life but in life of others. Who can be more proud to have such a Husband, than we—His brides?
Everything that was said here was so encouraging and it is bringing me to the point of trusting and even testing Him more and giving Him chance to bless me even more than I am now—because I know this is His nature to bless. I am the only hindrance why I am not bless the way He desire.
When I came here to RMI, it was the first time I understood and got great explanation about tithing and any blessing from the Lord and how does it work. Now I can say I really am blessed in everything. But I am sorry for all the people even in my own family, because even though they see how blessed I am, I openly speak about the Source of my blessing, they still keep believing in their own power and luck or unluck. I learned the most important principle, that if I have luck in any area, you have to give the little what you have to be blessed.
I also learned (not only in this chapter but on this Journey), that our Lord wants us to increase in everything. He wants us to have abundance of everything. He wants us to enjoy everything He is blessing us with. His sources are limitless and He is happy when He can bless us.
There is many many things I want to apply and not to forget: I want to remember this amazing principle of giving in the middle of any need I have. Either it is financial lack or lack of support, love, encouragement….., in everything I want to give first. And not just because I want to get more or be blessed, but I want my heart to be in the right standing before the Lord. I want to be more open to His leading, where He wants me to give and bless others. Not based on my own understanding or based on where I see the need, but where He knows is the best.
I also never ever want to panic in any situation. I know He has everything under control and He is just preparing the areas to bless me. So in the midst of everything I want to follow His lead. And even though I face Red Sea I know it is just opportunity for the Lord to bless me. Everything is for my benefit. Such a wonderful way to live my life.
In everything I encounter I say, “Lord, You are about to bless me” because He covered everything. I also want to forever remember every single blessing from the Lord and share it with others. But I also have to remember that I am nobody to be praised. Only the Lord deserves all the glory, praise and honor for everything He is doing.
Father forgive me for not knowing where my blessing was coming from. I thought that it was me doing, or my own wisdom what gave me good money, work and everything good in my life before my journey. Now I also remember that I couldn’t understand the thing at the beginning of my Journey, that You are the Only One who will be praised for everything. I wanted to be praised, or admired for what “I” did. Forgive me my Love. I know how my pride really hurt You.
My only Love. I feel the urge to thank you again and again that You have chosen me. First I did not understand why me and the pain. But now I know that behind the scary things was Your desire to bless me. I am so thankful that You led me to step out of the boat in many many things and You are still showing me other things. All what I want is to praise You, to worship You because there is no One like You. You are the only One.
Dear Brides, I wish we all could grab this truth together— to see only the blessing and miracles waiting for us behind any lack or need in our life. We all are the chosen one, we are the Brides of our Jesus, so let’s let Him prove what He wants to be to us—the Provider, Comforter, Lover and the One who is meeting every need. All what we need to do is to give. Give in any area where we would love to increase (where we are in need right now). He really is faithful.
From today’s Chapter the Bible verse has been on my heart, Deuteronomy 28:8-13, which is the proof that He is the One who own all the blessing, miracles, finances, everything what we ever need. We really are so blessed that He chose us for this life changing journey.
“The Lord shall command the blessing upon you in your storehouse and in all that you undertake. And He will bless you in the land which the Lord your God gives you. The Lord will establish you as a people holy to Himself, as He has sworn to you, if you keep the commandments of the Lord your God and walk in His ways. And all people of the earth shall see that you are called by the name [and in the presence of] the Lord, and they shall be afraid of you. And the Lord shall make you have a surplus of prosperity, through the fruit of your body, of your livestock, and of your ground, in the land which the Lord swore to your fathers to give you. The Lord shall open to you His good treasury, the heavens, to give the rain of your land in its season and to bless all the work of your hands; and you shall lend to many nations, but you shall not borrow. And the Lord shall make you the head, and not the tail; and you shall be above only, and you shall not be beneath, if you heed the commandments of the Lord your God which I command you this day and are watchful to do them.” Deuteronomy 28:8-13
~ Andrea
“Living Rent Free!!”
I should not be amazed by what He can and will do. But I am!! Before coming to this ministry I had just started going back to church. I was only giving a small offering each week, just enough to say I gave. But coming here to this ministry they have shown me what God expects me to tithe and how. They showed me that I am to give my first 10% from each paycheck. In the beginning it was hard to even give that much because I thought I would run out before my next paycheck. And honestly I did run out. During this time I was living with one of my co-workers and we were renting this house together. I was just coming out of the divorce and I was at odds with my parents. My parents were hurting from the divorce also and I felt like they did not understand my feelings. Things were still collapsing before my eyes. I was trying to do things “myself.” I thought I didn’t need anyone to take care of me. And I didn’t want people to think that I was helpless because my husband left.
Even though I was benefiting from the RMI courses and Encourager, I continued to give faithfully my 10% to my church because at the time I thought that I was getting “fed” at my church more. I still remember the day when I had to call my parents and repented. I had to apologize for the way I was acting and asked if I could come home because I couldn’t stand on my own two feet. Of course they allowed me to move home! They were so understanding and helped me pack my things up again and move home. Then things started to turn around. My relationship with my parents improved. We started to talk more and we re-established our relationship. We even started to talk about God. We openly talk about Him and His word!!
Once I began to to tithe to my true storehouse, RMI, my paychecks started to go further. I also was living rent free at my parents. I know that if I didn’t start to tithe I would still be in financial crisis. I am not saying I have everything that I “dreamed” to have but I cannot say I’m lacking. Now I’ve moved out of my parents house and living with my best friend and her family. And yes, I’m still living rent-free here too. So yes, He does provide. I don’t want to give up on giving because I know that He is my provider. Everything that I have is His first.
Please pray with me if you struggle is this area: Lord, I come to You with many hopes and dreams for the future. I struggle sometimes in believing that You are bigger than You are. I feel sometimes I need to step in and take control because I sometimes don’t see You working. Help me see that what You want to bless me with takes time and patience. Continue to show me that You are in control of everything and nothing is bigger than You. I’m thankful that You are my provider! I’m thankful that You allow me to make mistakes but You are always there giving me Your grace. Thank you for making my mistakes into something beautiful. Help me to continue to have a humble and giving heart. Continue to show me that everything that is mine is actually Yours. Help me bless others with Your gifts that You have given me.
Dear Brides, Don’t walk away from this most important principle. Don’t be like the widow women in Mark 12:42-44 which put in everything—all she had to live on. He will provide!! Don’t be like the rich in Matthew 19:24 that wants to take everything to heaven. Everything is His!! He will continue to provide for you even when you don’t think He can. Start tithing and giving back to Him!! He will not disappoint you. He will start to bless you in many areas of your life.
Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen. (Ephesians 3:20 NIV)
But a poor widow came and put in two very small copper coins, worth only a few cents. Calling his disciples to him, Jesus said, “Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything—all she had to live on. (Mark 12:42-44 NIV)
Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.” (Matthew 19:24 NIV)
The more of ourselves that we give the more we will be blessed with!
~ Angel

Do you have a similar testimony, or do you relate to one of the 10 testimonies you read in this chapter?
Comment (below) 👇🏼 so we can add it to this book or another book in our series of Word of Their Testimony Opening Heaven!