Just a few minutes ago, my Husband led me to a document, and I decided right away to GIVE UP!
♢DTC NRP: WOT2-12 Project (FYI, you're welcome to view, but editors are only LMF owners for now) is how we pull each By the Word of Their Testimony Series new book together
Most of you know that we said Farewell to Precious Sara, who's been heading this up for YEARS! I believe she has a team, but GOD knows who they are, so that's why I am posting PRAISE because I can't WAIT to see what He plans to do to make this EASIER and LIGHTER!!
JOIN us, and if you are part of this really FUN group that makes By the Word of Their Testimony Series possible, comment below!!
Hi Erin, I did WOT11 and WOT12, Sara trained me to do the WOT books, so I can help if you want to form a new team for WOT.
ADINA— I LOVE YOU!!! You’re hired. Yvonne and I are in a meeting, and she assured me you are well-trained. So let’s SSG for who you need for your team. Can you speak to your Husband about making ITV OD videos (they can’t be on YouTube) whenever you are doing ANYTHING? I’m heading to your invoice to leave a signing bonus.
My Husband led me to COPY everything you just shared to the ♢DTC NRP: WOT2-12 Project and tagged you so we can work quickly there.
Erin, I was also trained by Sara in formatting and it is a task that I always love doing. I want to join and help in NRP.