Aspiring Authors
Have you always felt, sensed, that there is a book—a story to tell—that's bubbling to get out of you? Maybe you’re interested in writing a Restoration Journey Real Life Novel like Kelly Todd's "Too Little, Too Late."
We would love to help YOU get YOUR book published, first as an eBook, then later in paperback and available on Amazon.com—with the possibility of also having your Novel professionally read and available on Audible!
When your book is ready, we will share your chapters with other aspiring authors, many from our RMI's Ministry Team to glean encouraging feedback, then share it on our Encourager for a soft rollout on social media as our Encourager readers share the first 3 chapters just as we did for Kelly.
Ready to get started on an adventure of a lifetime? Start with Erin's FREE Aspiring Author Seminar! They are a few pages that list short helpful and easy-to-follow tips from Erin that she loves to share when anyone mentions to her that they want to write a book.
Now all you need to do is to start posting your chapters on our Blog. All you have to do is Post Your Restoration Journey Novel 🥳
*Remember you need to be signed in to post so we know who you are. Use your Pen Name when you register.
Once we have posted 3 of your chapters on our Blog, we know you are serious and we will get in touch with you.
We are looking forward to reading your novels and sharing them with others.
- Click Here to read about royalties, and how we are prepared to help you.
Creating a Google Site for Your Restoration Journey Novel: A Step-by-Step Guide
Are you an aspiring author who is currently writing a restoration journey novel? Do you want to share your writing journey, encourage others, and connect with readers? Creating a website is a wonderful way to do just that. We'll show you how to create a Google Site to share your restoration journey novel with women around the world. We'll provide tips on planning your website, creating it, adding content, and promoting it.
Click HERE, and check what you need to begin sharing His story of LOVE for you with others!
Je rends grace a Dieu pour cette aide… J’ecris beaucoup en ce moment… Pendant. Ma periode de restauration j’ai ecris beaucop de prière alors que je combattais pour mon foyer…
Merci. Seigneur pour cette grace
I thank God for this help… I’m writing a lot at the moment… During. During my period of restoration, I wrote many prayers while I was fighting for my home…
Thank you. Lord for this grace
Hi dear Karine
I am writing in English, because I see when you applied to become a student at RMIOU, you mentioned you can speak English.
First of all, I need to deeply apologize for only coming back to you now, I was ill this week, but I need to confess it is also a shortcoming of mine not to always reply to messages I receive. I am sorry if you feel that I ignored you.
He did use it for so much good and I was elated when I read your email to apply for an aspiring author. I loved that you said: “I have always been inspired by writing”.
You may just be the person we are looking for to help us make sure that our pages are easy and light to follow for everyone and I would love for your Restoration Journey Novel to be the Bridge Builder and then many to follow.
You said that you started sharing the site with women who are broken, which leads me to believe that you have a heart for this and want to help and have been sent to us for such a time as this.
I thank you for that, knowing that Erin’s book saved my life all that time ago, I started wondering if I could help just one woman with my story. That is what gave me the heart to start my Novel.
I have made some changes to the page Aspiring Authors but sometimes I make things too complicated or I don’t explain myself well enough. Would you please go to that page, read through it, and see if you can follow it easily? Work with Him and let Him lead you and let me know in the comments on the page, how I can make the page better for those who come behind you.
As the Publisher of NarrowRoad, I am very much looking forward to working with you.
May you have a blessed day. 💗
Hello Yvonne, thank you for your feedback. As a woman we are often busy.
Since I discovered encouraging woman I spend 2 to 3 hours with the courses. I’ve just finished reading Kelly’s story, which is really touching.
So, as I am from Mauritius many Christian women go through the same situations divorce, adultery, alchoolism, violence is especially in our churches Where there is a silence at this level.
Unfortunately in most cases it is the women who have destroyed their homes through lack of wisdom, love or even acting like Pharisees spending their time in church instead of looking after their husbands and children. I’d like to see that change, and especially that God’s word repudiating divorce is not taken out of context.
Even though my couple is still in incomprehensible situations, I refuse restoration because I wish with all my heart that my HH would also reveal himself to my EH, that he could meet this first love. May God change us both and show us how his love according to 1 Corinthians 13:7.
So yvonne tell me how to help you?
Can you send me the links?
And give me more details?
Be blessed abundantly
Thank you so much Karine. Like I said in my previous comment, I would love for you to read the page: https://narrowroadpublishinghouse.com/aspiring-authors/
Does it make sense? Is it easy to follow and then anything that you think needs to be changed so it will be light and easy to follow for women that wants to write their own novel. That would help me so much.
Because I am so used to reading the pages, I miss things that would confuse someone that is new. I would love your perspective as He leads you through the page.
Shalom yvonne.
J’ai bien compris ta demande maintenant.
Je prendrais le temps au courant de la semaine prochaine pour lire et ensuite je te ferais un retour.
Merci encore pour m’avoir permis de participer a cette belle oeuvre soit benis abondamment…
Thank you dearest Karine. 💖
Merci, chère Karine. 💖